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2023/11/01 13:53:38

TAdviser Review: Information Systems Security 2023


Russian information security market in 2022

The information security market is key to preserving technological sovereignty. In the context of the digitalization of the economy and industry, it is information security that allows you to maintain control over digital assets and prevent their destruction by external forces. At the same time, until 2022, Russia had a fairly large share of foreign solutions that set a certain bar for Russian manufacturers. Nevertheless, until 2022, the process of import substitution of solutions in the field of information security was not very fast. Actually, the adoption of federal law No. 187-FZ "On the safety of CII" and the acts adopted for its implementation at one time has already become the regulatory framework for the import substitution process in information security. Those enterprises that belong to KII have long been engaged in both building a protection system on domestic products and creating information security services. For them, the events of last year in cyberspace did not come as a surprise. They "just" had to move the implementation time to the leftMore...

link=Статья:Информационная безопасность (рынок России)#.D0.9E.D1.86.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BA.D0.B0.D0.BE.D0.B1.D1.8A.D0.B5.D0.BC.D0.B0.D0.B8.D0.B4.D0.B8.D0.BD.D0.B0.D0.BC.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8.D1.80.D1.8B.D0.BD.D0.BA.D0.B0.D0.98.D0.91.D0.B2 2022.D0.B3.D0.BE.D0.B4.D1.83

Information Security Market Situation in 2023 and Future Prospects

Market participants feel only positive dynamics of market development in 2023. Although the rush demand for the transition to domestic products has ended, nevertheless, hacker activity is not decreasing, but is moving into other forms - more hidden, but also more dangerous for companies. From simple DDoS attacks and ransomware to spy companies with theft of valuable data and sale of details for access to corporate infrastructure. As a result, budgets allocated for information security have not decreased, and in most cases even increased. Now the company's information security budget can be about 7% of the IT budget. More...


In October 2023, TAdviser prepared the first rating of the 100 largest Russian companies in the field of information security. It includes vendors, integrators and distributors of information security products. The rating is built on the basis of questionnaires and official reporting of companies.

The total revenue of the rating participants in 2022 exceeded 270 billion rubles. The dynamics compared to 2021 was 26%.

link=Статья:Крупнейшие ИБ-компании в России
Interviews with experts
link=Статья:VK увеличила бюджет на кибербезопасность в 2,5 раза. ИБ-директор Алексей Волков – о главных киберугрозах и целях злоумышленников
link=Статья:Эволюция кибербезопасности. Мода, хайп и вечные ценности?erid=LjN8KCUX7
link=Статья:Максим Головлев, iTPROTECT: Российские вендоры уже закрывают базовые потребности рынка кибербезопасности?erid=LjN8KWXW2
link=Статья:Алексей Хмельницкий, RooX: Концепция Zero Trust практически приравняла сотрудников к клиентам, сблизив эти два мира.?erid=LjN8JtGZN
link=Статья:Денис Макрушин, МТС RED: состояние безопасности недостижимо, но можно обеспечить устойчивость бизнеса к киберугрозам?erid=LjN8JuMLv
> >

The main threats from 2022 continue to be DDoS attacks on business, but for attackers it has already become clear that their effectiveness as various means of protection are implemented, the SMU SSOP works and subscription to cloud protection services against DDoS attacks decreases. Therefore, now the malicious activity of hackers is aimed at creating an effectively working threat pipeline in which each participant does his own thing: someone, through phishing, lures out the credentials of corporate users and sells them to hackers; Someone, having obtained these credentials, builds their malicious infrastructure within the victim's company and sells access to it for the following specialists in the chain; someone looking for important data in the captured infrastructure and outputting it for sale; and someone infects the infrastructure with logical bombs or ransomware and demands a ransom for restoration, although now it is already clear that there will be no recovery. Such end-to-end threats require end-to-end security solutions, often integrating with the developer's infrastructure to use the expertise of its employees to more effectively repel attacks. Подробнее...

Current technologies
link=Статья:Организация доступа к информации как основная мера защиты от утечки данных?erid=LjN8KCiSm
link=Статья:Как обеспечить безопасность данных с помощью NeoCAT: технологии и новая реальность?erid=LjN8JuEeK
TAdviser statistics for some categories of information security solutions
> >

If we delve into the study of the structure of the information security market, then we need to consider the needs of the three main consumers of modern information security solutions: large and medium-sized businesses, financial organizations and government agencies. For each of these sectors, the trends in the development of protective equipment are slightly different, so we will analyze in detail the difference in approaches to ensuring information security for them separately. [1]#2023:_.D0.98.D0.91-.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.B8.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B8.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.82.D1.8B_.D0.B1.D0.B8.D0.B7.D0.BD.D0.B5.D1.81.D0.B0_.D0.B8_.D0.B3.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.81.D0.B5.D0.BA.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B0 Подробнее....

link=Статья:Информационная безопасность (мировой рынок)

The cost of cybersecurity technology on a global scale is growing steadily. In 2022, costs in the corresponding segment increased by 15.8% compared to the previous year, reaching $71.1 billion. This was announced on March 23, 2023 by the analytical company Canalys.

The study takes into account indicators for six key segments of the information security technology market. These are endpoint security tools, network security tools, data security, web security and email protection, vulnerability scanning and analysis software, and identity access control systems. More...

  Antivirus Software Solutions

Antivirus is a software package specially designed to protect, intercept and remove computer viruses and other malicious programs. Modern antivirus programs are able to effectively detect malicious objects inside program files and documents. In some cases, the antivirus can remove the body of a malicious object from the infected file by restoring the file itself. In most cases, the antivirus is able to remove a malicious software object not only from the program file, but also from the office document file without violating its integrity. The use of antivirus programs does not require high qualifications and is available to almost any computer user.

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  Antispam Software Solutions

Antispam is a method that partially or entirely prevents unwanted information (SPAM) from entering the horizons of a user or group of PC users. The method is carried out by configuring software both on the client side and on the server side, which can serve as an intermediary when accessing the Internet (antispam technology).

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Firewall or firewall - a complex of hardware or software that monitors and filters network packets passing through it at various levels of the OSI model in accordance with the specified rules. The main task of the firewall is to protect computer networks or individual nodes from unauthorized access. Also, network screens are often called filters, since their main task is not to skip (filter) packets that do not fit the criteria defined in the configuration. Some network screens also allow the translation of addresses - the dynamic replacement of intranet (gray) addresses or ports with external ones used outside the LAN.

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  Identity and Access Management
Identity and Access Management
Authentication Systems

Improper access of employees to information systems is fraught with distortion and loss of important data for the company, which can develop into financial and reputational losses. Understanding this, more and more Russian companies are introducing identity management solutions. IDM systems allow you to manage the identity and access rights of users in the information systems of the organization. They appeared on the world market a long time ago, and have since evolved significantly. In Russia, such decisions have been presented for more than 10 years.

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  Biometric identification

Biometric authentication is the process of proving and authenticating by a user presenting their biometric image and by converting that image according to a predetermined authentication protocol. Biometric authentication systems are authentication systems that use their biometric data to identify people.

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  Encryption Tools

Cryptography (from Greek. κρυπτός - hidden and γράφω - to write) is the oldest science about ways to protect confidential data from unwanted third-party reading. Cryptanalysis is a science that studies methods of violating information privacy. Cryptanalysis and cryptography together make up the science of cryptology, which studies methods of encryption and decryption.

Prospective developments

Quantum cryptography is rightfully considered a new round in the evolution of information protection. It is she who allows you to create almost absolute protection of encrypted data from hacking.

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  Data Loss Prevention
Technologies for Preventing Leaks of Confidential Information from the Information System Outside

According to the results of a study of confidential information leaks from organizations in Russia in 2016, the InfoWatch Analytical Center recorded 213 cases of information leaks from Russian companies and government agencies, which is 80% more than in 2015. In nine out of ten cases, personal data (PD) and payment information were leaked in Russia, and the total amount of data compromised over the year increased more than 100 times to 128 million records, but did not exceed 4% of the global volume of information leaks.

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  Backup and Storage

A backup system is a set of software and hardware that performs the task of creating a copy of data on a media designed to restore information to its original location in the event of damage or destruction. Backup systems ensure continuity of business processes and protection of information from natural and man-made disasters, actions of intruders. These technologies are actively used in the IT infrastructures of organizations of various industries and sizes.

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  Security Information and Event Management

SIEM (Security information and event management) - combining two terms denoting the scope of software: SIM (Security information management) - information security management and SEM (Security event management) - security event management. SIEM technology provides real-time analysis of security events (alarms) originating from network devices and applications.

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  Distributed Denial of Service
Spurious Request Flow

Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS attack - a stream of false requests that tries to block the selected resource either by attacking a communication channel that is "clogged" with a huge amount of useless data, or by attacking directly on the server serving this resource. Such actions are used for the purpose of competition, direct blackmail of companies, as well as to divert the attention of system administrators from other illegal actions.