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Technopark "Yakutia" IT Park "Yakutsk" (High Technology Park in Yakutsk)



+ Foundation for the Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region

IT Park "Yakutsk" opened at the end of 2018. It is located on an area of ​ ​ 9.5 thousand square meters in the very center of Yakutsk, is a branch of GAU Technopark Yakutia. IT Yakutsk Park helps startups develop. Provides space rental benefits, co-working space access, meeting rooms, assembly rooms , data center, food court, recreation areas, VR/AR laboratory, motion capture and recording studios. Rents gadgets, equipment and servers, as well as provides educational, accounting and legal services.

2023: Creation of UAV Software Development and Assembly Laboratory

On January 6, 2023, the press center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Moscow announced that a laboratory for the development of software and assembly of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) was being created on the basis of the Yakutia technopark. The opening is scheduled for March 2023.

The main goal of the future laboratory is to design, assemble, create software (software), test and debug unmanned aerial vehicles in Yakutia, the technopark said.

The software developed in the laboratory will make it possible not only to easily control the drone, but also to solve specific tasks inherent in various sectors of the national economy.

Assembly of aircraft will be carried out in a special workshop of the technopark. It will also develop its own models and components of drones. Already in February 2023, part of the UAV parts can be printed on 3D printers. The press center recalled that at the Yakut College of Communications and power at the end of December 2022, a center was opened to train information system operators - UAV pilots.

{{quote 'In the near future, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles will become a mandatory technology for many industries economies regions, - said the head of Yakutia. Aysen Nikolaev }}

In 2023, it is planned to train about 300 operators. As of February 2023, 19 people took courses on unmanned aerial vehicles, and 10 students were trained by order of the P.I. Melnikov Institute of Permafrost Science, Teploenergoservice, Sakhaneftegazsbyt and ArktikTelecom.

Drone specialists are in demand in industries such as oil and gas production, construction, ecology, logistics, agriculture and forestry.


Residents' revenue amounted to 2 billion rubles

The revenue of residents of the Yakutia technopark in 2021 doubled. In the near future, the technopark is to build a biotechnological center and become by 2024 an innovative and technological center-leader in the Far East, which will provide comprehensive support for high-tech projects. This became known on December 29, 2021.

2021 turned out to be productive for the innovative industry of Yakutia. According to preliminary data, the total revenue of residents of the Yakutia Technopark and the Yakutsk IT Park in 2021 amounted to 2 billion rubles, which is almost twice as much as in the same period in 2020. In 2021, residents attracted more than 70 million rubles of investments.

Our Yakutia Technopark was the first development institute that played a key role in the innovative development of the region. In 2012, the number of residents was only 12. As of December 2021, 167 innovative companies are already creating products worth more than 2 billion rubles annually. In 2021 alone, 334 new jobs were created, many graduates of the technopark became residents of the territory of advanced development, - said the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Aysen Nikolaev.

{{quote 'author = noted Skolkovo Foundation chairman Arkady Dvorkovich. |

We believe that the regional operator in Yakutia is one of the best, it is constantly in the top three according to our estimates, including the number of startups and their quality. The Republic constantly offers concrete solutions that are already being implemented in practice, including in medicine and in other socially significant areas. The technopark is actively working, we work closely with the North-Eastern Federal University. And the time is right for these plans to refresh and conclude an agreement for the next 10 years,}}

Шаблон:Quote 'author = shared by the director of the technopark "Yakutia" Petr Gabyshev.

The infrastructure complex of the Yakutia Technopark for December 2021 includes a biotechnology laboratory, a regional engineering center, the Yakutsk IT Park and a branch in Neryungri. On the basis of the Regional Engineering Center of GAU "Technopark" Yakutia "there is a" Prototyping Center. " The main areas of work of resident companies: information technologies, energy saving and energy efficiency, bio-, agrobio- and biomedical technologies, construction, transport and transport infrastructure. Residents receive expert advice, assistance in starting production and testing. Products produced by residents are delivered to 32 cities in six countries of the world: Russia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan.

In the first half of the year, the revenue of residents of the Yakutia Technopark and the Yakutsk IT Park amounted to 729 million rubles

In the first half of 2021, the total revenue of residents of the Yakutia Technopark and Yakutsk IT Park increased almost 2 times, and the amount of attracted investments amounted to 60 million rubles. The active development of the IT industry in the region is facilitated by the provision of the republic with high-speed Internet and a high-quality startup support system. This was announced on September 22, 2021 by the Press Center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Moscow.

The republic relies on the IT industry, and our Yakutia technopark as an object of the republic's innovative infrastructure provides a territorial concentration of financial and intellectual resources. In the first half of 2021, the revenue of residents of the Yakutia Technopark and the Yakutsk IT Park amounted to 729 million rubles, while for the same period last year - 377 million rubles. Residents have been created 2.5 times more than in 2020, "commented Anatoly Semenov, Minister of Innovation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Technopark "Yakutia" has the status of a regional operator of the fund Skolkovo"" and is one of the ten best technoparks. Russia Its infrastructure complex includes a biotechnology laboratory, a regional engineering center, Yakutsk IT Park and a branch in the city of Neryungri. The resources of the technopark for September 2021 are used by 158 resident companies. The main areas of their work: information technologies, energy and resource saving, agrobio- biomedical and technologies, and construction transport transport infrastructure.

Following the Yakutsk technopark, it involves other regions of the republic in innovation, creating IT centers there. As of September 2021, 10 district IT centers have already been opened in the republic. In 2021, with the support of the Ministry of Innovation of the region and the technopark, 5 more will open: in Tattinsky, Kobyaysky, Verkhoyansky, Oleneksky and Gorny districts. In total, 17 IT centers will be created in Yakutia by 2024.

The development of the IT industry in the republic is accelerated by providing residents with high-speed Internet. In 2021, a record for the construction of fiber-optic lines was set here: during the year 43 settlements in 12 districts were connected to the Internet. In total, 362 settlements have already been connected to the fiber-optic communication line in Yakutia, which is 93% of the republic's population.

2020: Revenue of residents of the Yakutia technopark exceeded 1 billion rubles

In 2020, residents of the technopark created developments under the requests of the pandemic. The revenue of residents of the technopark exceeded 1 billion, and the rubles amount of attracted investments in their projects for the first time amounted to more than 100 million rubles. In 2021, the technopark will concentrate on the development of biomedical technologies and the creation of a biocenter, reported in December 2020 JSIA with reference to the press center of the republic in. To Moscow

"2021 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is declared the Year of Health, the activities of the technopark will also be focused on the creation of the Biotechnology Center for Research and Development. This center will create favorable conditions for the development of biotechnology companies in the republic. The infrastructure of the biotechnology center will allow research and development of new products in areas such as regenerative medicine and cellular technologies, bioinformatics, agricultural biotechnology, as well as in other areas included in the National Technological Initiative, "commented Pyotr Gabyshev, and about. Director of the Technopark" Yakutia. "

The pandemic (Covid-19) has shown that residents of the Yakutia Technopark quickly respond to external challenges and help the republic cope with various difficulties by creating the necessary IT solutions. For example, with the help of the mobile application "Medical," which is designed to call a doctor and online consultations, it was possible to reduce the burden on the registries of clinics. The application was provided free of charge to all medical institutions of the republic. To date, 47 thousand users are registered in it. The resource processes more than 1.5 thousand applications every day.

Sciberia, a graduate of the B8 accelerator, has developed an intelligent radiological information system (IRIS) that allows you to detect the disease based on CT scans. Today, a system based on artificial intelligence has processed about 10 thousand CT images. The accuracy of the result is 95%.

Another resident of the Yakutia Technopark, a graduate of the B8 accelerator, Jera Ai began producing LED sterilizers for air disinfection. There are models for personal use, office, bus and car. The recirculator for the Jera UV Air Cleaner Bus has already been tested in the transport of Yakutsk, laboratory air quality studies have shown that the device reduces the number of viruses and bacteria by 2 times.

The disinfector robot created by the engineers of the Arctic Innovation Center of the SVFU deserves special attention. The robot was tested in organizations in the city of Yakutsk and was launched in test mode at the Russian Railways station in Neryungri.

In the technopark "Yakutia," part of which is the IT park "Yakutsk," there are 198 residents, of which 14 companies are developing startups in the direction of "Biotechnology."


The initiative to build an IT park was supported by the head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Egor Borisov, the Far East Development Fund (part of Vnesheconombank) and the Development Corporation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

On the basis of the Yakut technopark, it is planned to actively develop projects related to cryogenic, information and nanotechnology, as well as genetics and bioengineering. The area of ​ ​ the Hi-Tech Park under construction is estimated at 20 thousand square meters. For the efficient operation of high-tech companies, all the necessary accompanying infrastructure will be created here, including congress halls, banking institutions and restaurants.

Investors and investments in the Technopark of Yakutia

The construction of the building of the Yakut technopark and the supply of the necessary equipment is expected to begin in the second half of this year. The start of commercial operation is scheduled for the first quarter of 2019.

The total investment in the creation of a technopark in Yakutsk is estimated at 2 billion rubles. The expenses will be distributed between the Far East Development Fund, the Sakha Republic Development Corporation, the regional budget and private investors. MERLION's share of project funding will be 20%.

IT infrastructure of the Technopark of Yakutia

In early 2016, it became known that Merlion, a Russian distributor, is a strategic partner in a project to create a high-tech park in Yakutsk. For Merlion, participation in the project is an important component of the business strategy aimed at accelerating the development of promising regions of Russia and equipping them with information technologies. At the same time, the distributor acts not only as a strategic investor, but, first of all, as a leading player in the Russian IT industry, who has experience in implementing large-scale innovative projects.

The creation of the Yakut high-tech park includes the organization of a data processing center, the resources of which can be used both for the work of residents of the technopark and for the effectiveness of commercial and state enterprises operating in the Republic of Sakha. With construction the development DPC of other components of the High Technology Park, MERLION can supply equipment - from engineering and computer equipment to office equipment. At the same time, the MERLION Engineering Technical Center is ready to develop the IT architecture of the project with its subsequent maintenance and scaling, and the system integrator, TEGRUS who has experience in implementing unique solutions in various industries, is able to build an engineering and computer infrastructure in accordance with the needs of specific resident companies, such as biologists, or those who work with ultra-low temperatures.