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Mirapolis Virtual Room

Developers: Mirapolis
Last Release Date: May 2012
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  Video conferencing


Mirapolis Virtual Room is a simple and easy-to-use solution for organizing and hosting any virtual meetings - webinars, video conferencing, virtual classes - and collaboration over the Internet or LAN.


Inclusion in TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian public sector"

Mirapolis Virtual Room is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers public sector Russia in revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Application in March and April of 56,000 training activities

On May 12, 2020, it became known that Mirapolis recorded a 6-time take-off using the Mirapolis VIrtual Room solution among schools, secondary special educational institutions and universities. The cloud service for organizing the educational process in March and April 2020 was used as part of 56 thousand training events against 9 thousand a year earlier. Almost 1.8 million students were involved in online activity against 300 thousand in 2019.

Mirapolis VIrtual Room

Solutions for training employees of large companies saved the Russian education industry. In fact, they offered a symmetrical response to three main requests from educational institutions.

Firstly, to meet the needs of schools, lycées and universities to organize distance learning quickly and simply, spending a minimum of effort on organizing educational events online.

Secondly, offer cross-platform, which is critical in conditions where not every student or student has their own PC in use, but always has a smartphone.

Thirdly, to ensure high-quality interaction between teachers and students, which is possible only in the framework of solutions that have undergone many cycles of improvements and improvements.

Kirill Dyakov, managing partner of Mirapolis, noted that the requests of educational institutions for distance learning solutions were extremely close to those of state-owned companies and commercial enterprises, which are the main users of the Mirapolis VIrtual Room platform.

This fact is likely to push the segment of distance technologies in education to a number of significant changes:

  • Online communication solutions companies will pay attention to the needs of the education system. The appearance of special versions of existing solutions or the release of regular developments for specific segments of the educational services market, for example, for use in schools, is not excluded.
  • At the same time, existing solutions in their original form almost completely cover the functional needs of secondary special educational institutions and especially universities. They will be built into the technological landscape of education, since educational institutions have already gained experience in their use.
  • Educational content and the learning process will be transformed. In addition to multimedia, the involvement of students and students will be an important criterion. The struggle for engagement will be the main challenge for all distance education in general.

2012: Mirapolis Virtual 3.2

As of June 2012, the updated solution is an efficient, simple and easy-to-use system for web conferences, marketing presentations, online training, meetings and any other type of online meetings.

Since 2002, the Russian development company Mirapolis has been specializing in the creation and implementation of software products for automating training centers, managing electronic training, testing and evaluation of personnel, building knowledge management systems and video conferencing systems. Mirapolis Virtual Room was designed for real-time video conferencing, webinars, and remote collaboration. Thanks to a wide variety of interaction tools, the solution can be used for any type of virtual meetings, which only require a web browser and a flash player to participate in.

Mirapolis Virtual Room 3.2 has a number of advantages over its previous version. A simple, easy-to-use interface allows you to add, resize, and position room elements directly during an online meeting. The solution allows you to conduct audio and video conferences with an unlimited number of active participants, perform pre- and post-moderation, adjust the sound and quality of video broadcasts, organize a general and private chat, simultaneously view all participants several documents/videos/pictures on the screen, as well as broadcasts of desktop of several participants. The product provides branding capabilities: you can place your own logo inside the virtual room, on event description pages, as well as in the administrative interface. Mirapolis Virtual Room 3.2 allows you to use pre-installed analysis reports to analyze the results of appointments, as well as upload an entry for subsequent offline viewing (Air format) or publish it for online viewing.

The possibilities of an updated solution can be used in various areas of activity. Its application in marketing will help to increase the number and quality of leads, reduce the sales cycle, expand the audience of potential customers, build relationships with customers, and increase brand recognition. In the field of sales, the product will help reduce their cycle, conduct live product demonstrations, simplify and improve the quality of work with remote customers. Mirapolis Virtual Room 3.2 has significant advantages over the previous version in the field of training and training, including reaching an almost unlimited audience, saving on training, a high level of availability for remote listeners, the ability to form a library of video presentation recordings and training seminars.

Since June 2012, Mirapolis has significantly increased the amount of disk space for all Mirapolis Virtual Room tariff plans: Standard tariff users are provided with 3 GB of disk space, which is 10 times more than before, and Professional tariff - 4 GB. Disk space can be used to store records of webinars and other online meetings, as well as the content of those resources that have been uploaded to the system.

2010: Mirapolis Virtual Room Availability

According to the information for June 2010, Mirapolis Virtual Room can be purchased in the form software for installation on the enterprise, server as well as as a rental service for the application according to the model. SaaS

The simplicity and availability of Mirapolis Virtual Room is ensured by Flash technology. Users only need an Internet browser and flash player.