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JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA

The name of the base system (platform): JavaScript
Developers: JetBrains
Last Release Date: 2021/11/29
Technology: Application Development Tools


2021: Public Version for Remote Software Development

The company JetBrains November 29, 2021 announced the release of a public version of the solution for remote software development. IntelliJ IDEA and other IDE users on the IntelliJ platform will be able to access full development environments in the cloud or on a private server instantly .

The presented functionality allows you to work in the usual interface of the local IDE, transferring the entire load to the remote server. Remote instances can be "warmed up" - initialized in advance so that developers can immediately start programming without wasting time setting up the environment, version control system, etc. The solution uses hybrid technology that provides fast asynchronous work. Its capabilities are completely similar to local IDEs, including support for third-party plugins and extensions. Remote development functionality is available in all IntelliJ-based IDEs.

Remote development functionality is also available in JetBrains Space along with other features that simplify the operation of commands. Space users can deploy the development environment in one click: Space fully takes over its configuration. This model allows users to support, manage, and centrally run playback development environments described in the code from Space. In addition, JetBrains is working to ensure that such environments can be launched from third-party solutions.

"With our remote development solution, programmers can create work-ready environments directly from their repository," said Kirill Skrygan, head of remote development at JetBrains. - Our task is to ensure convenient work for them in the usual environment, wherever they are and on whatever computer they work. Developers no longer need to configure the local environment to wait until the project is initialized, and most importantly, their work is no longer limited by the resources of the local computer. "


InteliJ IDEA 13

On December 6, 2013, the developer announced the availability for download of the new version of ON the IDE for - Java InteliJ IDEA 13.


In 2013, the IntelliJ IDEA team worked in contact with companies behind many leading technologies, including Android, Spring, Scala and Gradle. As a result, a new version of the product was born.


Java EE 7

The new version of IntelliJ IDEA supports Java EE 7 - the latest version of the Oracle enterprise platform, added support for new versions of application servers: Glassfish 4, Wildfly 8, Tomcat 8 and others. Besides, developers complemented IDE with the help in creation of the code for CDI 1.1, JSF 2.2, JAX-RS 2.0 and for batch processing'a (batch operation - a comment of TAdviser).


It is expected that developers using Spring will be pleased with the improvements made in support of this technology: The IDE automatically detects unmapped contexts (unmapped context - approx. TAdviser)defined using @ Configuration, and suggests adding them to the project settings, a new MVC tab in the Spring tool window will help you more easily implement navigation between controller methods in the project, you can see the corresponding mapped URLs, method and path variables, the Spring Beans tool window allows you to move between bins, see the links between them and documentation on them. In addition, the new version of IntelliJ IDEA improves performance when working with projects with a large number of bins.


One of the most joyful news in 2013 was on Google I/O: Google announced a preview version of Android Studio, a new app development environment for Android. Android Studio is being developed in collaboration with JetBrains based on the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. IntelliJ IDEA 13 is the first major release to include what is new as a result of this collaboration. Among the many improvements for developers under Android - improved code editor and designer of the graphical interface of applications, much easier work with the SOUNDite database.


Gradle support has been redesigned: first of all, auto addition for dependencies and plugins, code generation has been added. Quick Documentation tooltips for Gradle DSL have appeared, IntelliJ IDEA now automatically creates a web facet and imports WAR artifact configurations. In addition, Gradle tasks, such as test and exec, are debugged, and Gradle 1.8 accelerates the import of Gradle projects.

User Interface

Improved interface - By default, the IDE now hides the main toolbar and toolbar buttons. In IntelliJ IDEA 13, a new light look and feel is added - terminology in software design. - approx. TAdviser), which is available for Windows and Linux, both for Community Edition and Ultimate, and for Community Edition it will be set by default, and for Linux it will be set by default for Ultimate. Other convenient parts have been added, such as Search everywhere.

Working with Databases

The database communication configuration interface has been improved, Structure View, navigation and viewing for foreign and primary keys have appeared in the table editor. Other improvements have been made in database support, among which it is worth highlighting the query filter. You can filter the required data when viewing a table or in the results of an SQL query, and use column sorting to sort the table directly into the IDE without sending any queries to the database.

Other enhancements

The great interest of developers will undoubtedly be caused by improved tools for working with Git, Mercurial and Subversion (including support for Subversion 1.8), debugger, support for Groovy, Scala (and integration with SBT), new tools for the web developer, support for CloudFoundry 2.0, OpenShift and Heroku. In addition, the overall performance of the IDE has improved.

The company provides an annual subscription for updates with a personal and commercial license for IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ IDEA from JetBrains is the basis of the new Android Studio

The IntelliJ platform, developed by JetBrains, became the basis for the new Google product - Android Studio, the development environment for Android. The official announcement of this event was made at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco on May 15, 2013.

In 2009, JetBrains released the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, an open source version of the IDE. Based on this product, many development environments were created by both JetBrains and third-party developers.

Any developer can download a pre-release version of Android Studio, the release is expected at the end of 2013.

Creating Android Studio does not exclude Android support from IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition. The product will continue to develop and will be available with open source. Work with Android will be supported synchronously, both in Android Studio and in IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ IDEA 12.1

support for JavaFX 2 now includes full support for the FXML form, custom CSS, auto-completion, navigation and search, refactoring, and integration with SceneBuilder. Including fixed support for Retina.

Other new features IntelliJ IDEA 12.1:

  • Full screen mode for Windows;
  • Support for Spring Frameworks 3.2 and Play Framework 2.1;
  • Support for Groovy 2.1 (including annotations, compilation of settings, and more);
  • Improved Scala support (close expression, new compiler);
  • Improved Gradle integration (support for gradle wrapper, new actions);
  • Adobe Gaming SDK support;
  • Debugger CoffeeScript and TypeScript via Source Maps;
  • Support for Sass patches (custom function definition, termination, refactoring, nested properties, etc.).

2012: Java Integrated Application Development Environment (IDE) - IntelliJ IDEA 12

JetBrains, the creator of IntelliJ IDEA, ReSharper, and other intelligent tools that improve the performance of software developers, announced in the fall of 2012 the release of IntelliJ IDEA 12, an annual update of the integrated environment for the development of commercial, mobile and web applications.

latest version accelerates the compiler, increasing the usability of the product. "We completely revised the compiler and transferred it into a separate process," said Maxim Mosienko, project manager IntelliJ IDEA. - It became possible to compile the project automatically, in the background, after each change in the source code, which means that you can run the application almost instantly. "

According to JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA continues to monitor modern technologies in order to provide operational support to developers. So, the IDE supports the latest versions of Java, including demonstration releases of the language and innovations in German. In addition, JDK 8 is already available in the IDEA 12 IntelliJ, such as help in writing code for the new syntax, including lambda expressions, references to methods and default methods.

In addition, IntelliJ IDEA has expanded support for the Android mobile platform by adding an intelligent user interface tool for Android. In general, thanks to a wide range of specialized refactoring methods, help in writing code and code analysis functions IntelliJ IDEA becomes a full-featured IDE for mobile development under Android (in addition, available for free in the Community Edition), the company emphasized.

The IDEA 12 IntelliJ also features a redesigned user interface that includes a new stylish graphic theme in dark tones called Darkula. "We tried to make the interface even cleaner and more functional. With a dark graphic theme, you are less distracted, which allows you to focus on code, and not on working with the IDE, "explained Konstantin Bulenkov, lead developer of IntelliJ IDEA and author of the Darkula theme.

Among other improvements and key features of IntelliJ IDEA 12 are: enhanced support for Spring frameworks, including Integration, Web Flow, MVC, Security, Batch and others; Play 2.0 support for Scala and Java; Improved J2EE application server management, including support for Cloud Foundry and CloudBees platforms Optimized database management tools Support for the Drools Expert environment with in-depth code writing assistance live code editing mode for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

2010: Java Integrated Application Development Environment (IDE) - IntelliJ IDEA 10

This is the second release since the developer decided a year ago to open the source code of the project and start releasing the open source version of Community Edition. IntelliJ IDEA 10 is positioned as the smartest development environment for Java. The new version added UI enhancements, achieved two times faster code indexing when opening the project, redesigned the code completion system.

Also among the most significant additions is the inclusion in the IDEA IntelliJ of tools for developing mobile applications under the Android OS, which were previously available only in the paid version. Improved support for programming technologies and libraries such as Spring, GWT, Groovy/Grails and Flex/ActionScript. In addition, support for distributed Subversion and Git version control systems has been improved, Mecurial support has been added, and integration tools with the popular GitHub repository have been included.

The company JetBrains, whose head office is located in Prague, and development centers in St. Petersburg and Boston (USA), was founded in 2000 by immigrants from Russia and has gained wide fame over the years thanks to the development environment IntelliJ IDEA. In October last year, it was announced the opening of IntelliJ IDEA source codes under the Apache 2.0 license, and the launch of the OpenSource project, which is developing the open source version of Comminity Edition.