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Russian vegetable oil manufacturer Blago creates digital doubles of its plants for 200 million rubles

Customers: Good GC

St. Petersburg; Food industry

Product: IoT Projects

Project date: 2022/12

The Russian manufacturer of vegetable oils "Blago" creates digital twins of its plants. To do this, the group entered into an agreement with Sberbank.

The parties agreed to create a "Digital Production Twin" oil extraction plant based on SberMobile IIoT the Platform platform and the Digital Production software and hardware complex of the Sbermobile company.

Russian vegetable oil manufacturer Blago creates digital doubles of its plants

As noted in Sberbank, the SberMobile IIoT Platform allows you to create a digital copy of production assets and oil production processes from the stage of impersonal acceptance of raw materials, processing to the release of finished products. The implementation of the platform solution will eliminate the cost of combining automation solutions of all product redistributions, create a single cloud of production data and build a decision-making process based on data directly from sensors and production lines using machine learning technology.

At the first stage, the technology will be introduced at the Verkhnekhavsky oil extraction plant located in the Voronezh region. In the future, the solution will be scaled up to all production sites of the group of companies. The total investment may amount to more than 200 million rubles.

The implementation of the project will increase the efficiency and accuracy of collecting quantitative data, reduce the time for response and management decisions, and completely eliminate the human factor in monitoring the technological process at work.

The new system will help solve current problems, but more importantly, its implementation will become the foundation for a large-scale digital transformation of our industries, the basis for the transition to Industry 4.0, including the development of expert systems and technologies of artificial intelligence for further optimization of processes, energy consumption, and production analytics. The decision of "Sbermobile" is suitable for the implementation of such large-scale tasks, - said Dmitry Fosman, General Director of "Blago Invest."