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2024/05/14 15:21:47

Defense-industrial complex of Russia


Main article: Russian Armed Forces

Digitalization of the defense industry of Russia

Ammunition and Special Chemistry Industry

He is engaged in the development and production of ammunition (BP) and cartridges of all types, gunpowder, rocket fuel, chemical warfare and special chemicals. As of 2022, the ammunition and special chemistry industry in Russia united 91 enterprises.

2022: Shortage of shells during a special operation in Ukraine

The Russian army in the early 1990s inherited from the Soviet army about 15 million tons of missiles and ammunition stored in 180 arsenals, bases and warehouses.

As of January 1, 2013, the presence of ammunition in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation amounted to 3.7 million tons, of which unsuitable - 1.1 million tons. That is, suitable - 2.6 million tons.

In 2020, almost 300 thousand ammunition was repaired at the arsenals on its own, and more than 20 thousand shells for multiple launch rocket systems were collected.

The need for ammunition during the conflict in Ukraine is millions of pieces per year.

In the United States, the problems are partly the same, they have long been unaccustomed to such a consumption of shells.

1914: Ammunition shortages during World War I

Miscalculations of the General Staff in the norm of accumulation of shells (900 rounds) led in 1914 to an acute shortage of shells for the army during the First World War. Emergency measures were needed to save the army from a complete shell famine. The military industry was not ready to solve this problem.

Although the measures taken made it possible already in the first half of 1915 to improve the supply of artillery shots to the front, the "shell famine" was completely eliminated only in 1916.


2024: Manturov: 500 thousand people were involved in work at defense industry enterprises in six months

On May 13, 2024, Denis Manturov, a candidate for the post of First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, speaking at a plenary meeting of the State Duma, said that over the past six months, about 500 thousand people have been involved in work at enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

Today, the Russian defense industry is the most powerful in the world in terms of production of basic weapons and military equipment, "Manturov emphasized, adding that the geopolitical situation dictates the need to constantly improve the technical characteristics of weapons and military equipment.

About 500 thousand people were involved in work at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex

In February 2024, President Vladimir Putin said that over the past year and a half, 520 thousand new jobs have been created in the defense industry complex of the country. In total, six thousand enterprises belong to the military-industrial complex and another 10 thousand are "adjacent," the head of state said then. According to Putin, the sustainable work of defense industry enterprises plays a huge role in strengthening Russia's sovereignty.

Denis Manturov recalled that in 2016 the Russian president set the task of diversification at defense industry enterprises and reaching the corresponding indicator of 50% by 2030. In 2021, a level of almost 27% was reached, and the industry was ahead of the curve - some of the defense industry enterprises have already reached 50%, said the acting Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry and Trade on May 13, 2024. By this date, according to Manturov, about 850 civilian enterprises are involved in deliveries to the security forces and the Armed Forces (Armed Forces) of Russia.

I hope that at some point you and I will move into the next phase of conversion and civilian enterprises will return to their main products, and defense industry enterprises will continue to increase the volume of civilian products, "Manturov said in the State Duma.[1]


Deliveries of 250 aircraft and helicopters, 57 ships and 20 million ammunition

In 2023, the Armed Forces Russia received 250 aircraft and helicopters, 57 surface ships, 617 thousand units of weapons and equipment. 7,200 anti-aircraft guided missiles for air defense systems and more than 20 million ammunition were also delivered. Such data are given in the materials Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation based on the results of work for 2023.

On December 5, 2023, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced that in 2023 the production of unmanned aerial vehicles in Russia doubled, and armored weapons tripled. According to the Prime Minister, for 11 months of 2023, the number of products produced by the military-industrial complex (MIC) has significantly increased in relation to last year's indicators.

In 2023, the Russian armed forces received 250 aircraft and helicopters, 57 ships and 20 million ammunition

In mid-December 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in 2023, enterprises of the domestic military-industrial complex increased the volume of deliveries of armored vehicles three times, automotive - 4.5 times. The number of main purchased weapons increased 2.7 times, and the most popular - 7 times.

According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, defense industry enterprises have quadrupled their capacity, while switching to a round-the-clock production regime. The head of the Russian military department said that in 2023 the Ground Forces received over 1.5 thousand new and modernized tanks, as well as more than 2.5 thousand armored combat vehicles of various types.

In October 2023, Sergei Shoigu said that up to 10-15 thousand tons of ammunition and fuel, as well as materials for repairing equipment, are supplied to the military conflict zone in Ukraine every day.[2]

You need to understand that this is not happening in one place. This is on a huge front line, which, if we take in general, turns out to be more than 1 thousand km, "the head of the Ministry of Defense emphasized.

Hackers spy on Russian military-industrial complex companies through legal programs

Hackers spy on companies in the military-industrial complex (MIC) of Russia through legal programs. This was reported on June 8, 2023 to Bi.Zone specialists . Read more here.


Special operation in Ukraine revealed the weaknesses of the Russian defense industry

The special operation of Russia in Ukraine by December 2022 revealed a number of problems in the defense industry in Russia. The principles of the work of the domestic defense industry will need to be radically changed, wrote the channel "Older than Edda" based on the following priorities.

1. Unification and standardization. Return to the idea of ​ ​ unified platforms of five classes - heavy tracked, heavy wheeled, medium tracked and medium wheeled, light wheeled. All promising ground forces vehicles, from BRM and nurse to missile system should be built on these platforms. This applies to other types of armed forces to the same extent - Russia cannot afford two incompatible serial fighters and three partially compatible attack helicopters.

2. Intelligence, management, communications. This is an absolute priority in any promising rearmament programs, which should receive funding in any case - because you can also shoot from old systems if they have someone to give target designation on time and accurately.

3. Reduction of the inlet barrier. Today, the organization of the defense industry actually excludes people from the outside from the number of suppliers. Orders go mainly to the same familiar counterparties who feel calm. In some cases, when the manufacturer of a particular equipment is alone, this is justified. But already in the same unmanned aircraft and a projectile for fighters - this is not so, and potential applicants have something to show.

4. Increased testing costs. The military traditionally tries to save money on tests. If all the products were shot as expected in the right amount, then there would be no many questions for a number of popular products in the troops during the special operation in Ukraine - the shortcomings would have been identified and eliminated.

Putin's order to create a data exchange mechanism between the military and gunsmiths

The President Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to create a mechanism for operational exchange information between units participating in a special military operation (SVO) and arms manufacturers. Such instructions were published on the Kremlin website on November 10, 2022.

The report says that the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Defense, to improve the quality of products supplied to ensure the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations and bodies in the special operation, to form a mechanism for the effective and prompt exchange of information between units that participate in the WVO, and manufacturers of weapons, military and special equipment, as well as material.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

The specified deadline for the execution of the president's order is November 14, 2022. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu have been appointed responsible.

The government and the Ministry of Defense Vladimir Putin also instructed until November 14, 2022 "to bring the standards for the provision of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies with material means in line with the real needs that arise during a special military operation, taking into account the intensity of the use and wear of material means." Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu have been appointed responsible.

During one of the meetings of the coordinating council, Putin said that equipment for the military, special means and other special equipment should be "not just available," but "modern, convenient and effective." Mishustin then proposed to connect small enterprises in the regions to the production of protection for the Russian military.

Putin created a coordination council to meet the needs of the army by decree, which was signed on October 21, 2022. The council was headed by Mishustin. He will focus on resolving issues related to the provision of the army with military and special equipment, as well as material means and health care. [3]]

The state defense order in Russia grew by 600-700 billion rubles. Most of the defense industry enterprises work in 2 shifts

The state defense order for 2022 in Russia increased by 600-700 billion rubles. Most of the defense industry enterprises work in two shifts. This was announced on June 10, 2022 by the first deputy chairman of the collegium of the Military-Industrial Commission (MIC) of Russia Andrei Yelchaninov.

The intensity of the enterprises, of course, has increased: reserve capacities have been loaded, all the accumulated technical and human resources are involved to ensure the increased need of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other power structures for defense products, he told Interfax.

State defense order for 2022 in Russia increased by 600-700 billion rubles

According to Yelchaninov, there is an understanding that the defense industry not only must meet the needs of the military, but also replenish the spent reserves. Work in this direction is already underway by June 10, 2022.

The state is obliged to have a reserve in case of conducting military operations, protecting itself from any type of influence, - said the first deputy chairman of the board of the military-industrial complex.

He added that he sees no prerequisites for disrupting the state defense order in 2022. Yelchaninov also noted that defense enterprises can receive loans at 6.5% per annum. In addition, suppliers of raw materials and materials for the defense industry supply them at a "predictable price," he said.

In May 2022 , the Kommersant newspaper, citing materials from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, reported that in January-April, budget expenditures on national defense amounted to 1.68 trillion rubles. At the same time, the outstripping growth of spending began in April - monthly military spending amounted to 627 billion rubles against the average monthly 351 billion rubles. in the first quarter (an increase of 1.8 times).

In the draft budget for 2022, more than 3.5 trillion rubles were allocated for military spending - almost 15% of total spending.[4]

2021:125 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the state program "Development of the military-industrial complex"

In April 2021, the Russian government approved a new passport of the state program, the purpose of which is to increase the competitiveness of the products of the Russian military-industrial complex both on the domestic and foreign markets, as well as to increase the volume of industrial production of the country's military-industrial complex, the Parliamentary newspaper reports .

The document provides for an increase in the production of products of the military-industrial complex by 1.59 times compared to the level of 2015. To achieve this indicator, the amount of funding was increased from 99.8 to 125 billion rubles.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to extend the program, which was designed until 2020, until 2027. At the same time, the share of innovative products in the total volume of production should grow to 39.2% by 2027.

See also
