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2019/01/21 12:47:27

Judaism in Russia



Main article: Judaism

Russian Jewish centers have become the largest lobbying structures with multimillion dollar turnover. Mediation and lobbying is carried out by the three largest groups based around synagogues in Moscow:

  • Maryina Roshche,
  • on Bronnaya and
  • Moscow Choral Synagogue on Kitai-Gorod.


Lithuanian Hasidut: Moscow Choral Synagogue on Kitay-Gorod

These are adherents of the Lithuanian Hasidut. The people are called "Litvaks." The course is sustained, without radical distortions.

The main sponsors of the synagogue at the beginning of 2019 include:

A number of sponsors simultaneously support the alternative Hubbad movement.

The synagogue on China City includes several congregations that have their own separate prayer hall and their sponsors.

  • Great Prayer Hall. It's Ashkenazi. European Jews.
  • Georgian Jews.
  • Hall of Mountain Jews. Sponsors: Nissanov - Iliev, Zakharyaev, Ilya Zavalunov, Ismailov,
  • A separate building in the courtyard of Mountain Jews Beit Talum.

The owner of the synagogue in Kitay-gorod and the Chief Rabbi of Russia Adolf Shaevich (born 1937). Shaevich has a personal conflict with President Vladimir Putin. In fact, Shaevich is not allowed to attend Kremlin events, so the resource is limited due to mistakes made. In the 2010s, his influence in the Jewish community declined significantly.

It is believed that Shaevich is traditionally the guarantor of the agreements and thereby retains himself in the Jewish structure.

The actual leader of the Litvaks at the beginning of 2019 is Pinchas Goldschmidt, chief rabbi of Moscow, head of the rabbinical court in Russia, chairman of the Council of Rabbis of Europe, head of the rabbinical court in the CIS and Baltic countries. One of the actual leaders of the Russian Jewish Congress.

April 20, 2015 between Pope Francis and the Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt, discussed the cooling of diplomatic relations between Russia and the West

Habbad Lubavitch

The Hubbad Lubavich movement was developed in Belarus in the town of Lubavichi. Among the people - "habbadniks."

Judaism is sustained, but there are radical distortions. Some radical "habbadniks" believe that the last Rebbe Schneerson - was a mission. For which the "habbadniks" are sometimes criticized by the rest of the moderate conservative movements.

Synagogue in Maryina Grove

Synagogue in Maryina Grove Beis Menachem, as well as the Moscow Jewish Community Center.

The synagogue in Maryina Roshcha is an elite Moscow synagogue. Before emigration, the Lubavitch Rebbe Schneerson lived in the synagogue.

The leaders of the hubbads at the beginning of 2019 are Berl Lazar (chief rabbi according to the hubbads) and Alexander Moiseevich Boroda.

The entry point for resolving issues with Lazar is called Motya Weinberg. This is the manager of the synagogue on the Maryina Grove. You can also contact Lazar on the straight line. He is a business man, but very humble.

Lazar and Boroda created the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) in 1999.

Among the largest sponsors of FEOR for 2019, the following persons are named:

Lazar, Vekselberg, Beard

In fact, all the activities of the habbadnikov are led by Alexander Boroda. For 2019, Boroda has concentrated all the main finances of Khabbad Lubavich Russia. He is an extremely influential figure in Russian Jewry. He is believed to have the strongest team in the Jewish world.

Alexander Moiseevich Boroda made a separate residence - this is the Synagogue in Zhukovka. By 2019, Viktor Vekselberg has been visiting her for seven years.

Boroda communicates with all the first persons and is ready to get involved in solving any issues. At the beginning of 2019, the main area of ​ ​ interest in Moscow is the Moscow region.

One of the main merits of Boroda was the opening of the Jewish Museum, which was curated by Sergei Ivanov, who allegedly "tried through Beard and Hasidim to enter the Jewish circles of America and get support there." Assistance and assistance from Nikolai Patrushev. The Schneerson Library was transferred to the Museum for the project.

At this time, Lazar is an extremely influential figure in Moscow Jewry, but all the main financial flows are intercepted by Beard. And with the opening of the synagogue in Zhukovka, Boroda took under himself all the oligarchs - heavyweights. Through Lazar, Beard enters the global Jewish diaspora.

Synagogue on Bolshaya Bronnaya - a private enterprise

Since 1991, the head of the synagogue on Bolshaya Bronnaya, Yitzhak Abramovich Kogan, born in 1946, the head of the Chabad-Lubavich association of Hasidim of the CIS. He is a notable figure in the Jewish world of Russia and in Israel. Cooperates with right-wing parties in Israel.

The main business is the production of kosher food, including the Elon company in Ramenskoye. It also carries out one of the largest kosher cattle slaughter in the CIS.

It has its own Synagogue and parish in Israel.

Kogan is officially seconded to Habbad Lubavitch, but Kogan belongs to the Koenas. This is a separate knee among the 12 tribes of Israel - a coveted caste of clergy. Koen can only become by birth.

Kogan's authority is recognized in the United States, among Hubbad he was well friends with the last Lubavian Rebbe Schneerson.

Russian President Vladimir Putin with representatives of the Jewish community. Kogan to the right of the President

The synagogue was supported by Mikhail (Moyshe) Sorkin, who is on the run in January 2019 and lives in Kyiv. Among the sponsors of the synagogue at this time are named Lev Leviev and Eduard Berman.

Kogan supported the Russian position on the Schneerson Library. After that, he had a relationship with Lazar-Beard.

Kogan's problem is age. He is at the stage of transferring cases to his son.

2023: President Putin fires assistant secretary of Security Council Pavlov, who called Chabad-Lubavitch a sect

On January 20, 2023, Russian President Putin fired Lieutenant General Alexei Pavlov, Assistant Secretary of the Security Council. In October 2022, in his publication "What is boiled in a" witch cauldron "about" neopagan cults "in Ukraine, Chabad-Lubavich was called a sect (for the views of the movement, see the chapter" Doctrine of the superiority of Jews over other people "in the article Judaism). After the publication, Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev apologized for her.

2022: Three Chabad-Lubavitch leaders barred from entering Russia due to pressure on Schneerson Library

In May 2022, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a list of citizens who are forever prohibited from entering Russia. Among them are Chabad activists.

The list of 963 names targets "US authorities who incite Russophobia and those who support them." The stop list, as stated, is part of the Russian counter-sanctions during the conflict in Ukraine.

In addition to American and not only officials, the list (numbered 391, 402 and 928) includes Rabbi Yeuda Krinsky, Rav Shlomo Kunin and Rav Abraham Shemtov. These are activists and leaders of Agudat Hasidei Chabad, the umbrella organization of Chabad-Lubavich Hasidim, known in the United States and in the world.

Where did they cross the road of the Russian Federation, for which they were issued a lifetime ban on entry? The reason is not a special operation in Ukraine. All these people actively contributed to the return of the Schneerson Library. A court in the United States ruled that Russia must return books and manuscripts. Rabbis from the Russian list actively participated in the process. And thus Russia probably decided to punish them.

2019: The conflict between Khabbadnikov and Litvakov

The main problem is control over financial flows and a monopoly on resolving issues.

In the world, more influential Litvaki than Habbadniki, but with the election of the president USA Donald Trump , a change began.

In Russia, we observe something different - for some reason there is a strong influence of the Khabbadnikov, who have a minority.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, after the conflict, Gusinsky-Putin skewed towards the habbadniks.

This trend was supported by Vladislav Surkov and Vyacheslav Volodin. The latter was in conflict with the Litvaks.

Mountain Jews

Mountain Jews historically lived in the Caucasus. Georgian Jews have nothing to do with mountain origin. Georgian Jews are a distinct group.

Derbent is historically one of the largest centers for basing Jews in the Caucasus (from the VI-VII centuries). Pyatigorsk for 2019 is the capital of mountain Jews.

Mountain Jews can be roughly divided into:

  • Dagestan (Makhachkala-Derbent-Khasavyurt),
  • Grozny,
  • Nalchinsky,
  • Pyatigorsky and
  • Azeri (Baku - Krasnaya Sloboda).

In Russia for 2019, two groups are especially noticeable - Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

Dagestan Jews

Dagestan Jews, in turn, are divided into Makhachkala and Derbent.

Makhachkala entrepreneurs for 2019 include: Nusuev Chevalier, Gabriel Yushuvaev (Makhachkala), Artur Zavalunov, Igor Babayev.

Makhachkala mentally closer to Pyatigorsk and the North Caucasus.

"Derbent" are mentally closer to Azerbaijani Jews. Among them for 2019 Arthur Yunusov, Semenduev Vyacheslav.

Beit Talhum Synagogue. The owner for 2019 is the head of the World Congress of Mountain Jews Akif Gilalov.

Akif Gilalov attends a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on February 19, 2018.

At this time, Gilalov has a conflict with Telman Ismailov and Pinhas Goldschmidt.

Azerbaijani Jews

Baku Jews in Soviet times were considered the "white bone" of mountain Jews. Baku is an advanced city in the Caucasus. Among the entrepreneurs and administrators from this group in 2019 were: Ilya Elizarova (assistant to Dmitry Medvedev), Telman Ismailov, Yan Abramov, Igor Ashurbeyli, Hasan Mirzoev.

The main heyday of Baku Jews fell on the time of Yuri Luzhkov. After Luzhkov left, the relay passed to Jews from Krasnaya Sloboda and Cuba.

Cuba and Krasnaya Sloboda are prosperous Jewish settlements. Strong contrast against the background of Baku. Representatives for 2019: God Nisanov, Zarakh Iliev, Zakharyaev, Gilalov, Yakov Yakubov.

In order not to terrorize Khabbadniki and Litvaki through financial injections, this group opened its Beit Sfaradi synagogue at the Gardener market. The synagogue leans more towards Habbad, but rather remains neutral.

Pyatigorsk Jews

For 2019, the largest entrepreneurs belonging to Pyatigorsk Jews include the owners of the largest markets in the North Caucasus Federal District - Lyudmila, Argashokovsky, LIRA, Mekhoviki-Shubniki.

See also