Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


width=200px (until 2018 is a Russian Internet project, founded in June 2006. The publisher of the project is Thematic Media.

Performance indicators

For all legal entities, million, rubles:

  • 2021: 427,1
  • 2022: 402,3
  • 2023: 462,559

Khabr LLC

Revenue, million rubles:

  • 2016 - 78,9,
  • 2017 - 87,8
  • 2018 - 108,8
  • 2019 - 153
  • 2020 - 225
  • 2021 - 359,4
  • 2022 - 317,7
  • 2023 - 360,412

Net profit, million rubles:

  • 2016 - 14,7
  • 2017 - 20,0
  • 2018 - 11,4
  • 2019 - 7,8
  • 2020 - 19
  • 2021 - 47,2
  • 2022 - 0,39
  • 2023 - 5,999

Khabr Technologies LLC

  • 2021: Revenue - 67.7 million, net profit - 7.5 million
  • 2022: Revenue - 84.6 million, net income - 4.9 million
  • 2023: Revenue - 102.147 million, net income - 9.998 million


2019: TechMedia Publishing closed. My Circle services, and are integrated into the

At the end of 2019, the My Circle network was closed. The service was renamed "Habr Career." The same fate befell the services of and

The publishing house TechMedia (Thematic Media), under the sign of which the projects were operating, disappears.


How deceives partners

On July 3, 2013, Alexey Polikarpov, Commercial Director of Thematic Media, contacted TAdviser with an offer to exchange banner advertising campaigns between TAdviser and the blog platform for developers

On August 19 of the same year, TAdviser fully fulfilled its obligations and received confirmation of this from Thematic Media.

On May 16, 2014, TAdviser sent its own banners for placement in During the campaign, it was planned to select only a small part of the volume guaranteed by "Thematic Media." The placement was successfully performed.

During the next period, TAdviser did not have any need for advertising designed for the "" audience.

On October 1, 2018, TAdviser sent a letter to Thematic Media with dates to unscrew the remaining volume of banners. The answer was unexpected. A certain Alexander Telitsyn said literally the following:

No documents were signed between us (regarding the exchange of banners), and you discussed all agreements with employees who no longer work for us. Now we are ready to offer only a commercial advertising option.

Having initiated the deal, Thematic Media does not recognize the value of email correspondence and unilaterally renounces its own obligations, without even making any apologies. TAdviser views this statement as a direct deception and regrets the appearance on the market of teams whose employees are completely devoid of ideas about business ethics. closed

On May 28, 2018, the, previously allocated by the Thematic Media publishing house from, was closed. All materials were returned to the mother's website.

Rename to

Since April 24, 2018, the blog platform has been renamed and announced the start of international expansion.

2016: Megamozg project closed

On May 16, 2016, the Megamozg blog was closed. All materials were transferred back to Read more here.

2015: Launch of Megamozg

In January 2015, it became known that "" launched a new site Megamind"" for startups and managers in IT. The collective blog service for programmers "" was divided in half: a new project "Megamozg" was separated from it, which is positioned as a community of managers in the field. information technology

2014: GeekTimes is singled out from

On October 13, 2014, part of the content of the site is transferred to a separate domain and a blog is launched Then the head of Khabrahabr, Denis Kryuchkov, said that such an idea had been floating for a long time, but was finally formed after was added to the register of organizers of the dissemination of information by Roskomnadzor.

To remove the "" from the risks associated with the attention of Roskomnadzor, Geektimes was launched, where all the "problematic" topics moved. Geektimes is also being worked on by a team of editors dedicated to filling the site with users.

2013: Denis Kryuchkov takes out a loan from Yandex and buys out a stake in

The founder of, Denis Kryuchkov, bought from Mail.Ru Group a stake in Thematic Media, which owns the resource Mail.Ru shares were redeemed with borrowed funds provided to Kryuchkov by Yandex.

2006: Platform launch, Basov co-investor

The co-investor of the publication at an early stage was Alexey Basov. His investments, according to[1], fully paid off after the DST fund (later Group) bought a stake in from him.

The audience of the project expected by the creators is progressive-minded people interested in the future of the IT market in general and the Internet economy in particular. It was assumed that would be equally interesting to programmers and journalists, advertisers and layout designers, analysts and copywriters, senior and middle managers, owners of large companies and small firms, as well as all those for whom IT is not just two letters of the alphabet.

It was reported that a "model of joint creativity of people" was laid in Together with the editorial board of, people fill the site with life and meaning: they write in collective and personal blogs, publish personal audio and video broadcasts, read blogs of companies, look for new work and, of course, communicate with other people united by common ideas and goals.

See also
