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SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc)


SGI also known as Silicon Graphics, Inc — developer and solution provider in the field of high-performance computing, visualization and data storage.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)



Silicon Graphics, the pioneer of the industry of supercomputers, in 2009 declared bankruptcy and afterwards was purchased by Rackable Systems company.


HPE buys SGI for $275 million

On August 11, 2016 the American IT corporation Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) announced purchase of SGI. At the expense of this transaction the buyer is going to strengthen positions in the markets of solutions for analytics and supercomputer calculations.

Acquisition of SGI will cost HPE $275 million that there correspond $7.75 counting on one stock of the absorbed company. A day before the declaration of sale of SGI securities of the company cost 30% less than the cost of the transaction. After HPE announced purchase of SGI, the last quotation jumped by 29%.

HPE buys the producer of the SGI supercomputers for $275 million

It is going execute all formalities concerning merger of SGI in the first quarter 2017 financial year which for HPE starts at the beginning of November of the 2016th calendar. At first regulating authorities should approve the transaction.

The innovative technologies and SGI services, including the best in the class of means of the analysis of Big Data and solutions for high-performance computing, supplement the solutions for data centers checked in practice developed by HPE for the purpose of ensuring understanding of business and acceleration of increase in income of clients — the executive vice president of HPE Antonio Neri reported.

He also noted that SGE have systems with big pools of memory which allow to start large databases at high speeds when using hard drives.

According to the analyst of IDC Matthew Eastwood, sale of SGI will lead to increase in sale of the supercomputers offered by the company thanks to partners and the organization of direct sales of HPE.

HPE hopes to strengthen due to purchase of SGI the business in the field of deliveries of means of data analysis and the high-performance computing equipment and also to strengthen positions in a public sector. The SGI supercomputers are held in special respect among the government and research organizations, the president and the chief analyst of Moor Insights & Strategy Patrick Moorhead noted.

Projects, products

The solutions SGI are known around the world as easily scalable and effective high-performance solutions developed based on unique technologies of the company. Russia will unroll the distribution and service center of SGI corporation and also the center of the competent solutions SGI works.

Main products:

  • SGI InfiniteStorage is the scalable, high-performance solutions for data storage providing transparent high-speed general data access without copying;

  • SGI Altix is family of servers based on unique architecture of global total memory of SGI NUMAflex. The newest representatives of this family – SGI Altix 450 and SGI Altix 4700 are constructed based on the latest Intel processors Itanium 2 and work under control of a uniform image of the Linux operating system.

  • SGI Altix ICE – high-integrated a solution blade with superdense architecture which provides to 40% big calculating capacity per acre and has revolutionary energy saving construction.

  • SGI Altix XE – server and cluster solutions based on the multi-core processors Intel Xeon provide performance and an optimal ratio the price/performance.

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