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+ Winter Capital Partners (WCP)

"Would" is an international school of mathematics and programming. She teaches children programming and mathematics in offline and online formats. Classes take place on an interactive IT platform (the company's own development), and the course materials are translated into 11 languages. The educational results and quality of teachers are monitored through big data analysis.

By February 2021, the project is operating in 37 countries, developing under the franchise. The network has more than 200 franchisee partners. Every year, the company teaches more than 150 thousand children, collaborating with private educational centers and general education schools - for example, in hundreds of public schools in Azerbaijan, children from the 2nd to the 11th grade are taught according to the "Algorithmics" program.


2021: Attracting $10 million investment

On February 19, 2021, it became known about the investment of $10 million in Traditimika. The Russian-Chinese Technology Investment Fund (RCTIF) and Winter Capital Partners (its key investor is the head of Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin) have invested in the Russian EdTech startup.

Traditimika Intends mika intends to spend the funds received from investors on the further development of the educational product, as well as on international expansion: attracting new franchisees partners around the world, opening new schools and increasing the number of students. In particular, it is planned to enter the fast-growing markets of Latin America and Southeast Asia.

Russian EdTech start-up "Traditimika" to teach children programming raised $10 million
The investment in "Algorithmika" is aimed at supporting one of the most promising Russian companies in the field of programming and mathematics training. In recent years, the steady growth of has laid a solid foundation for successful international development and its transformation into a global leader, "said Kirill Dmitriev, General Director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of RCTIF.[1]
