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Cooperative CL Enterprises (COOP)



Number of employees
2018 year


Cooperative CL Enterprises (COOP) is the Taiwan distributor of the medical equipment. The company specializes in deliveries of the equipment for radiation therapy, cooperating with several large producers, including Varian Medical Systems . By May, 2018 in COOP about 45 people work.


2018: Varian purchased COOP

On May 7, 2018 the American producer of the medical equipment Varian Medical Systems  announced purchase of COOP after more than 40 years of cooperation of the companies. The cost of the transaction does not reveal, as well as other conditions of the signed agreement.

Varian purchased the Taiwan distributor
Thanks to acquisition of COOP the Varian company will be able to work and cooperate more closely with the clients on Taiwan and also to provide more effective and complex services, – the president of representative office of Varian in the Pacific Rim Kevin O'Reilly (Kevin O’Reill) said.

According to the vice president and the managing director of Varian in the same region Xiao Zhang, COOP formed strong team on Taiwan thanks to which Varian headed by the new managing director of the Taiwan office Christina Lin will get direct access to all the resources and tools necessary for sale of products and services.

As a result of merger of COOP the Varian company is going to offer the Taiwan customers expanded service and access to high-quality and inexpensive solutions for cancer therapy and also to participate in bigger number of clinical trials and joint projects with the lead medical institutions.

The founder of COOP Xi Pi Ling (CP Lin) considers that his company after accession to Varian and the beginning of use of a global network will be able to service better clients on Taiwan and to provide modern technologies for fight against oncological diseases.[1]
