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Intentional Software







+ Nadella Satya (Satya Nadella)

Intentional Software — the software developer founded in 2002 by the veteran of Microsoft Charles Simonyi who stood at the origins of creation of Word and Excel, participating in development and improvement of these products.

2017: Microsoft buys Intentional Software

On April 18, 2017 Microsoft announced Intentional Software purchase. Due to this acquisition the software giant intends to improve Office software package. The cost of the transaction does not reveal.

Commenting on Intentional Software acquisition, the executive vice president of division of Office Product Group Rajesh Jha reported the following:

We are strongly interested in a company performance over office applications, especially taking into account that we put people in the center of opportunities and we continue to reinterpret joint work.

The founder and the head of Intentional Software Charles Simoni noted that the future of technologies of joint work is closely connected with devices, like Microsoft Surface tablets and also with machine learning and "interesting things which can appear in the future".

Office Microsoft building

After closing of the transaction on sale of Intentional Software of Microsoft company of Simoni will join software giant again. It will work in division of Office Product Group, submitting to Radzhesh Dzha.

It is expected that the technologies created in Intentional Software will find application in the Microsoft Office programs and will be especially useful in scenarios of joint work of employees.[1]

2007: New programming

In 2007 the The New York Times newspaper published article devoted to Intentional Software. In the publication it was said that Charles Simoni switched activity of the company to so-called intentsionalny programming thanks to which "developers will be able to communicate with computers as little as possible to focus on meeting requirements of PC users".
