Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



The company created by a team of natives of OTR system integrator.

Bryzgalov Alexey Alekseyevich - 50%
Vasilyev Mikhail Valentinovich - 50%



+ Bryzgalov Alexey Alekseyevich
+ Vasilyev Mikhail Valentinovich


2018: Claim for bankruptcy of Technoserv

In May, 2018 Itargo filed a lawsuit the statement for bankruptcy of Technoserv system integrator [1] (in more detail).

2016: Creation

The Itargo company was registered in November, 2016. The former vice president of OTR system integrator Alexey Kuleshov became the CEO. As founders Alexey Bryzgalov, the senior vice president OTR, and Mikhail Vasilyev in 2009-2014 working as the CEO of BSS company acted.

Through short time Vasilyev stopped being the co-owner Itargo and 100% of the company departed to Bryzgalov.

Itargo inherited competences OTR: in the company at the end of 2016 100 people of one of divisions OTR were employed, and expansion to 700 employees was in the long term planned, Alexey Kuleshov said TAdviser.

The CEO Itargo Alexey Kuleshov was going to be engaged in average and small projects in the field of informatization of financial state agencies

Itargo as the independent company Kuleshov explained need of selection with the fact that management of big and average/small projects happens differently and these processes are badly combined.

OTR, according to him, had to focus on large megaprojects in a public sector and banks, and Itargo - to be engaged in average projects and to be guided by the customers interested in automation of financial and economic activity.

The first customers Itargo of steel Federal Treasury and "Federal center of health protection of animals". In treasury Itargo at the end of 2016 won the tender for migration and operation of the application software (104.5 million rubles), and by request of the center of health protection of animals is engaged in technical support of an electronic document management system of central office of Rosselkhoznadzor (3.5 million rubles).