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2020: Investments from Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos

In the middle of June, 2020 it became known that Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos invested in the producer of artificial Biomilq breast milk.

The startup of Biomilq deals with problems of baby food and tries to create an analog of breast milk in laboratory. The company got support of the leading world investors, including $3.5 million from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, investment firm of Bill Gates which deals with problems of climate. It should be noted that Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Masayesha Son, Jack Ma, Michael Bloomberg and Marc Benioff enter into the investment Ventures coalition. Investors hope that the breast milk produced by Biomilq from epitelialny cells of a mammary gland will help to reduce negative environmental impacts of world production of children's mixes.

Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos invested in the producer of artificial Biomilq breast milk

Souchreditelnitsa and the CEO of Biomilq Michelle Egger studies food and worked in General Mills company before passing into business school and Gates's Fund.

Right now, by our estimates, not less than 10% of the market of dairy products in the world occupy children's mixes — notes Eggers. — It means that 5,700 metric tons of CO2 are annually manufactured only in the USA at artificial feeding of each child and 4300 gallons of sweet water are used.

Michel Eggers and the second souchreditelnitsa of the company, Leila Strickland, produced the evidence of the concept in February, but so far the startup still is at early stages of development. Biomilq not the only komapaniya which works on this problem: so, the Singapore startup of Turtle Tree Labs also tries to develop technology of the cultivated breast milk. Founders of Biomilq hope that their product will appear on shelves of shops within five years.[1]
