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DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency




+ U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon)

The American research and development agency for need of defense of the country. For the history which began in 1958 it made several largest discoveries connected with arms questions. Part of them began to be used afterwards at the civil level.

DARPA participated in development of ARPANET network (further developed into the Internet), the version of BSD the Unix system, a stack of protocols of TCP/IP and robotic cars.

2020: Victoria Coleman's introduction in a position of the head of DARPA

At the beginning of September, 2020 Victoria Coleman headed the Agency of perspective defense research projects of the USA (DARPA). Coleman has more than thirty-year work experience in the government, scientific community and the private sector and held executive positions in such companies as Atlas AI, Yahoo!, Nokia, Samsung and Intel. Read more here.

2017: Investment into development of not cracked computer

In December, 2017 it became known that within $ the 50-million management program of perspective research and development of the U.S. Department of Defense (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA) on improvement of cyber security scientists from the University of Michigan develop the security system which is built in directly "iron" and doing it not cracked.

Within the program of cyber security of DARPA revealed seven classes of vulnerabilities of the equipment and if to move away them, then the most part of opportunities for the hacker attacks will be closed. Permissions and access rights, buffer errors, resource management, information leak, numerical and cryptographic faults, code injection are among such vulnerabilities. The DARPA intends to eliminate completely them within 5 years.

The DARPA finances development of not cracked computer

DARPA issued 9 grants according to the protection program of the system integrated into the hardware (System Security Integrated Through Hardware — SSITH), including $3.6 million financing to group of researchers of the University of Michigan for project implementation. Not to allow hackers to make cracking, scientists develop such hardware which regularly and randomly moves data on the computer, destroying the previous versions.

According to developers, not only the data which are potentially of interest to malefactors but also any error which can be used move. Thus, even if hackers will manage to reach confidential data, they will move still again before manage to use them.

As a rule, the location of such data never changes therefore if hackers solved a puzzle and found where a gap and where data, then "game over" — the leading researcher of the Morpheus program Todd Austin says. — We do the computer by an unsolvable puzzle. It as if you assemble the Rubik's Cube, and every time when you blink, I it me.[1]

See Also
