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Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)



The RSPP includes more than 100 industry and regional associations that represent key sectors of the economy, such as the military-industrial complex, construction, production, mechanical engineering and many others. In total, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs consists of more than 320 thousand representatives of industrial, scientific, financial organizations in all regions of Russia. In total, these organizations produce more than 60% of the country's GDP.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs represents the interests of business circles both in Russia and at the international level. The RSPP brings together representatives of industrial, scientific, financial and commercial organizations in all regions of Russia. The activities of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs are aimed at improving the business environment in Russia, as well as increasing the status of Russian business abroad, the company said.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs conducts constant practical work, holding conferences on current economic problems with the participation of representatives of Russian and foreign business circles, as well as heads of federal authorities. The results of these forums are decisions in the field of Russian entrepreneurship and business made at the state level.

The RSPP Committee on the Digital Economy was created in the structure of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) in November 2017. The Committee operates on a voluntary basis and is open to participate in its activities of persons interested in regulatory support for the digitalization of the economy and creating conditions for increasing the level of digitalization of the economy of the Russian Federation. The composition of the Committee is formed of heads (representatives) of organizations - members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and associate members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Representatives of legislative and executive authorities, non-profit organizations, scientific organizations, heads of companies that are not members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, as well as independent experts can be invited to participate in the activities of the Committee without the right to vote as experts.


2023: Inclusion in the sanctions list by the US Treasury

On August 11, 2023, it became known that the US Treasury included in the sanctions list the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, as well as the co-founders of Alfa Group Pyotr Aven, Mikhail Fridman, German Khan, Alexei Kuzmichev.


Katerina Tikhonova took up the replacement of imports and technological sovereignty in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

On July 13, 2022, it became known about the appointment of Katerina Tikhonova to the post of co-chairman of the coordination council for import substitution at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). This is reported by RBC with reference to a copy of the relevant resolution of the RSPP board bureau. The organization confirmed the information. Read more here.

Cybersecurity Team Plan

RSPP creates a working group on cybersecurity issues. Rostelecom announced this on June 7, 2022.

The group will be headed by the general director of RTK-Solar Igor Lyapunov.

The tasks of ensuring the technological independence and digital sovereignty of the country come to the fore. The priority steps to achieve these goals were listed in presidential decree No. 250, and we consider it necessary to create a special working group as part of the RSPP Committee on the Digital Economy, which will develop this vector and provide opportunities to increase the digital security of key enterprises in Russia, "said RSPP President Alexander Shokhin.

The working group will develop proposals and recommendations for the creation of government measures and regulatory documents aimed at ensuring the cyber stability of key enterprises.

Minimizing risks from cyber threats requires constant and continuous attention, coordinated actions of government agencies, developers and suppliers of information security solutions and their consumers. We expect that the RSPP working group will become the platform where each participant will be able to contribute to solving the common task of increasing the cyber resistance of the digital infrastructure and the state as a whole, "said Mikhail Oseevsky, Chairman of the RSPP Committee on the Digital Economy and President of Rostelecom.

The prerequisites for the creation of a working group within the framework of the RSPP Committee on the Digital Economy of the RSPP were a sharp increase in the confrontation in cyberspace in recent months, which affects the interests of Russian business, the security of critical information infrastructure and the state as a whole.

The cybersecurity industry has gained strategic importance. We protect about two-thirds of key government and commercial organizations that have been in the focus of hackers since early March. The number of attacks on the largest state and commercial organizations, as well as on critical infrastructure in Russia, has grown hundreds of times, including attacks through contractors and using open source software. A new level of threats requires strategic companies and players in the information security market to consolidate efforts to effectively counter cyber attacks. The profile working group will help develop comprehensive measures to overcome the existing restrictions and barriers and give a new impetus to the advanced development of our direction, - said Igor Lyapunov, General Director of RTK-Solar.

An important area will also be the development of software and hardware technologies of cybersecurity. The activities of the working group will be synchronized with the tasks and projects for the formation of cyber-resistant digital transformation, implemented within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation."

The cybersecurity industry requires accelerated development. The Ministry of Digital Development is already implementing a number of projects aimed at protecting state information systems, blocking phishing sites, combating telephone fraud and many others. These projects are the result of close interaction with representatives of the industry, a response to the request of citizens and businesses, and this dialogue will continue, including within the framework of the RSPP working group on cybersecurity, "said Vladimir Bengin, director of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation cybersecurity department.

In addition, the RSPP working group will include issues of new approaches to the training of cybersecurity specialists, since personnel shortages remain a significant problem in the development of the industry.

The members of the working group will pay special attention to the possibilities of exporting cybersecurity technologies, as well as Russian expertise in countering systemic cyber attacks on the most significant enterprises in the country.

2019: RSPP will deal with the localization of foreign software for inclusion in the register of domestic software

In early July 2019, it became known that the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) will deal with the localization of foreign software. To do this, a working group is being created on import substitution of software in state-owned companies. Read more here.