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United States Space Force


United States Space Force (United States Space Force) - the sixth branch of the US Armed Forces, designed to carry out military operations in outer space

US Department of Defense (Pentagon)

Cosmonautics of the United States

Main article: Cosmonautics USA



US launched hypersonic target tracking satellites into orbit

On February 14, 2024, SpaceX announced the successful launch of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle as part of the US Space Force USSF-124 mission. Hypersonic target tracking satellites have been launched into orbit. Read more here.

US Space Force cancels multibillion-dollar Northrop Grumman program to develop classified military communications satellite

In February 2024, the US Space Force canceled Northrop Grumman's multibillion-dollar program to develop a classified military communications satellite due to increased costs, difficulties developing payloads and deadlines, according to regulatory documents and sources.


First contract with SpaceX for satellite communications services under Starshield program

In September 2023, SpaceXIlon Musk received the first contract from the US Space Force to provide specialized satellite communications for the military under the new Starshield program, which expands the role of the provocative billionaire as a defense contractor.

Creating a unit to destroy targets in space

On August 11, 2023, the US Space Force announced the formation of its first unit designed to collect intelligence on satellites, ground space infrastructure and defeat enemy space targets.

The so-called 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron is part of the Space Delta 7, a division of the United States Space Force tasked with providing intelligence on enemy capabilities.

US Space Force announces formation of 75th Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron
Today is a significant day in the history of our service. The idea of ​ ​ this unit arose four years ago on paper, but probably hung even longer in the minds of a number of US Air Force intelligence officers, "said Lieutenant Colonel Travis Anderson, who heads the squadron.

The new structure will have to take on several main tasks. These are analyzing the capabilities of potential space targets, detecting and tracking these targets, and participating in the "defeat." The last point presumably refers to the destruction or disruption of enemy satellites, ground stations that support them, and information transmission systems.

According to the head of operations of the squadron, Master Sergeant Desiree Cabrera, the new unit will revolutionize the guidance capabilities of not only the Space Force, but the entire US Army. The squadron is said to be the first and only unit dedicated to supporting the U.S. Space Force and its missions.

It is assumed that the squadron will also analyze the capabilities of the enemy in case of a conflict situation in outer space. We are talking about systems aimed at "preventing the United States from using its own satellites during the conflict."[1]

US develops hacker attacks from space

On May 24, 2023, it was reported that the United States was exploring the possibility of conducting cyber attacks from space. When organizing such hacker intrusions, the resources of modern satellites can be used.

According to the FCW resource, specialists from two detachments of the US Space Force are involved in the initiative. They interact with the information warfare unit as part of the country's Air Force. The goal of the project is to study possible scenarios for organizing offensive cyber operations using space technology.

US is exploring the possibility of conducting cyber attacks from space
The US Cybercom already has offensive means. And one of the possible directions is the use of these tools in the space sphere in the future, "said Lieutenant General Stephen Whiting during a speech at the Mitchell Institute of Aerospace Research.

According to Whiting, the US Space Force intends to open a coordination office as part of the Cyber ​ ​ Command. Such a structure would help coordinate and systematize proposals from commercial companies, the intelligence community, the National Intelligence Agency and other entities. The ultimate goal is to explore the prospect of using satellites to carry out cyber operations to hack ground targets.

At the same time, as noted, US military officials are discussing the need to introduce additional means of ensuring the safety of the spacecraft themselves. We are talking, in particular, about countering hacker attacks from the Earth. It is said that interventions in satellite communications can lead to highly undesirable consequences, including a destabilizing effect. In addition, data exchange channels may suffer.[2]


Spacecraft Protection Program Development

In early October 2020, US Air Force Lieutenant General John Thompson, commander of the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, spoke during a symposium on space and cybersecurity about the vital role of GPS infrastructure, threats from nation states, the military's adoption of DevSecOps thinking, as well as the goals of hiring employees and financing startups with innovative ideas to protect space development.

Of concern to the Space Force is that the satellites and ground stations that control them are controlled by software that is highly susceptible to attack by intruders.

US Space Force Launches Enterprise Ground Services Program to Protect Space Satellites, Continues to Seek Cybersecurity Specialists
Our satellites are no longer hardware systems with a small set of software in the commercial and defense sectors; they're basically flying boxes full of software, "Thompson explained. If we do not take care of cyber protection for them and do not develop a system for countering cyber threats, then we will, in fact, send shoeboxes into space.

The U.S. Space Force has taken steps to prevent incidents by rolling out a new Enterprise Ground Services program. Its participants intend to create a universal management and control architecture for modernizing space software and updating cybersecurity standards. To achieve these goals, the department needs close cooperation between the military and their contractors, as well as the development of DevSecOps thinking and the use of appropriate methodologies.

Achieving DevSecOps objectives will require engagement of people with the right skill set, and Thompson stated that the U.S. Space Force continues to seek talent. He explained:

We need a new generation of thinkers to apply cutting-edge theories of data mining, cyber behaviorism and the Internet of Things 2.0. People from this audience who are passionate about space and have a passion for cybersecurity are exactly the people we want to work with.

In addition, the agency continues to finance startups that are also ready to help achieve security in cyberspace.[3]

Pentagon urges Americans to join space troops to combat threat from Russia and China

In mid-June 2020, the US Department of Defense began urging Americans to join space troops to combat the threat from Russia and China. This was reported in the Pentagon's Defense Strategy in Space.

According to the document, space is "vital to the security, prosperity and scientific achievements" of the United States, while it is not protected from attack, and space systems are "potential targets at all levels of conflict."

The US Department of Defense began to urge Americans to join space troops to combat the threat from Russia and China
In particular, China and Russia pose the greatest strategic threat due to their development, testing and implementation of anti-space capabilities and related military doctrines for use in conflicts spreading to space. China and Russia have space weapons that can reduce the military effectiveness of the United States and allies, and challenge our freedom of action in space, the Pentagon strategy reports.

According to the deputy assistant to the head of the Pentagon, Stephen Kitay, the United States is still ahead of Russia and China in terms of space exploration, but these countries pose a "very serious threat," given the military capabilities they are developing.

Kitei reported that the Russian Federation and the PRC allegedly plan to deploy weapons in space or deploy other weapons directed against the US space forces, citing a 2017 state department report. Then the department accused Russia and China of launching a certain rocket from a satellite.

Our opponents have turned space into an area of ​ ​ warfare, and in accordance with this, we must make changes in policy, strategies and operations, "said Pentagon chief Mark Esper.

Moscow repeatedly pointed to Washington's plans to place weapons in outer space. In particular, on February 25, 2020, the head, RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTRY Sergei Lavrov speaking at the Conference on Disarmament, said that "more and more real outlines are taking on the plans of the United States, France and in general the North Atlantic Alliance for the launch of weapons into space."[4]
