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IBM scientific and technological center in Russia


IBM RSTL (Russian Systems and Technology Laboratory) - the Russian research laboratory of IBM company.



2016: Appointment of Mikhail Bavbel as the CEO

In June, 2016 Mikhail Bavbel was appointed the CEO of the development center of IBM. His predecessor Sergey Dmitriyev, according to TAdviser, was given assignment in IBM outside Russia.

Bavbel for 16 years as the developer participated in development of products of IBM - at first at office in Belarus, then in Russia.

As the CEO it will manage activity of the center, including research activity of IBM in Russia and to provide a necessary set of competences of the center in support of business development of the company, reported TAdviser in IBM.

As the IBM company actively transforms the business for the purpose of leadership to an era of cognitive calculations and cloud computing, the IBM Scientific and technological center in Russia will continue to develop projects in the field of analytics and Big Data, cloud computing and mobile applications. We continue to hire employees in the specified key areas, and customers of IBM can be sure that the company will provide them all advantages of solutions based on innovations and new technologies, - added to the companies

2014: Appointment of Sergey Dmitriyev as the CEO

In May, 2014 the Russian development center of IBM was headed by Sergey Dmitriyev before arrival to IBM working in Siemens and Relex.

2011: 60% of employees are busy with development of components of operating systems for mainframes

As the director of the Russian laboratory of Yens Simpson (Ian Simpson)[1] told in January, 2011[1], participation in development of operating systems for mainframes of IBM (in creation of components of the z/OS, z/VSE and z/VM platforms) is accepted by about 60% of the Russian laboratory.

The Russian programmers work on some projects in cooperation with IBM laboratories in other countries, and some execute independently. The means of Performance Tool Kit for z/VM giving additional opportunities for monitoring of data of system performance and preparation of reports concerns the last, for example.

The second in scale activity of the Russian laboratory IBM as of 2011 are developments in the field of a middle software – DBMS (IMS and DB2) for the above-stated operating systems and also support of their work at the user level. About 30% of employees are involved in this direction, according to Simpson.

The third direction are the projects connected with scientific research. About 10% of specialists of laboratory participate in them. According to Simpson, he initiated emergence of this direction in 2008 when headed laboratory, with the purpose to expand its activity and to increase possibilities of professional development for employees.

2006: Creation of the center

The Russian laboratory created in June, 2006 on developments of IBM originally specialized in technologies of mainframes. One of the first projects of the RnD-center was directed to development of a part of the operating system for the IBM System z mainframe. The Russian team of engineers of IBM helped to improve software of Data Facility Storage Management System. Besides, the Russian specialists together with colleagues from the USA and Germany were engaged in development and testing of the IBM BladeCenter systems.

By 2009 expected to invest IBM in the Russian laboratory of $40 million and to increase the staff to 200 people.
