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2019: Investments from Baring Vostok and the Leonid Boguslavsky Foundation

In mid-December 2019, Voximplant announced it was raising $10 million in investments. The round of financing for the developer of the cloud platform for voice and video communication was led by Baring Vostok Capital Partners and RTP Ventures fund Leonid Boguslavsky.

How much each of the investors invested is not specified. It is known that the largest shares remained with the founders of Voximplant. The company intends to use the funds raised to expand its business geographically, primarily in North America. By mid-December 2019, Voximplant has more than 20 thousand customers in six countries, including Sberbank, KFC, S7 Airlines, Atlassian.

oximplant announced to raise $10 million in investments
Our growth rate has been phenomenal over the past few years, with an average annual revenue growth of 100%, "says Voximplant co-founder and CEO Alexei Aylarov. - With an extensive customer base and constantly working on innovative solutions, today we see the right moment to expand into the North American market. We expect that this will allow us to reach revenue of $100 million per year in a couple of years.

According to the terms of the agreement, Voximplant's board of directors will include Baring Vostok investment analyst Matvey Vinokurov and RTP Ventures founder Kirill Sheinkman (Sheinkman as an observer). One of Voximplant's first investors - the Untitled ventures - pulled out of the project in the current round.

According to Kommersant, citing data from TMT Consulting, the volume of the Russian market for communication API platforms (one of Voximplant's directions) in 2018 increased by 91% and amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. In 2019, growth is expected by 68%, to 4.5 billion rubles. Venture investor Aleksei Solovyov estimates the entire Voximplant business at $25 million.[1]
