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Баннер в шапке 2

Administration of the Rossosh municipal district of the Voronezh region





For March, 2015 the Rossosh district is one of the largest areas of the Voronezh region and is among industrially – agrarian. The territory of the area makes 2371 square kilometers. The center is the city of Rossosh which is in 214 kilometers from the regional center, standing on confluence Black Kalitva (the right inflow of Don) and Rossosh.


The territory of the Rossosh district at the time of Kievan Rus'

Steppes of the Central Don region to which the lands located on Black Kalitva's coast and her largest inflow of Rossosh throughout centuries belong remained the restless outskirts of the Russian state. At the time of Kievan Rus' Slavic princes had to reflect often the attacks of Khazars, Pechenegs, Cumans beginning from here.

In the 13th century the Central Don region came down an initial boundary for invasion to the Russian land of infinite hordes of Mongols. Nearly two and a half centuries zolotoordynsky khans and the baskaki came to plunder and tyrannize the Russian people because of Don. But also after falling of the Golden Horde on Hugo – eastern frontiers of the Moscow state it did not become quiet. In steppes to the west from Don the Crimean Tatars, and on East side – Nogais and Kalmyks managed. In those days entered into custom to call a left bank of Don the Nogai side, and a right bank – Crimean.

The territory of present Rossosh district in the 17th century was outside the Russian state. But it does not mean at all that lands down the river Black Kalitva were unavailable to the Russian people. Sluzhilye combined guard service with profitable crafts. Here caught fish, hunted a fur animal, got honey and wax of wild bees.


In 1672 Cossacks of the Ostrogozhsky regiment received from the tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich the diploma on ownership of lands according to Black Kalitva. But also, as before, these lands continued to remain only the place of trade. It was dangerous to begin settled life here.

Ostrogozhets began to grow roots on Black Kalitva after taking in 1696 by army and Peter I's fleet of fortress Azov – the most important strong point of the Tatar attacks. It is quite obvious that emergence of Rossosh is directly connected with this resettlement.

Emergence of the settlement Rossosh

For the first time mentioning of the settlement of Rossosh occurs in the sheet of churches for 1721. I.A. Sokolov explained origin of the name of the settlement so: the rivers Rossosh and Black Kalitva, having a current, the first – from the North, the second – from the West, form a corner. The first immigrants began to lodge in this corner more than 200 years ago. On coast of both rivers having the form of the square or so-called "rassokha" and the settlement received the name Rossosh from arrangement of huts. The semantic word meaning Rossosh really is in consent with the location of the settlement and also its very first streets, but emergence of the name should be treated more simply. The settlement received the name of inflow of Black Kalitva near which it was formed.


In 1710 for participation in suppression of a revolt of Kondratiya Bulavin the colonel of the Ostrogozhsky regiment I.I. Tevyashov received from the tsar in an award the huge estate. Later it was separated between the colonel's sons Stepan and Ivan. The first got a northern part of the estate with the villages of Kolybelka, Marki, Soldatskoye. And to the second Tevyashov who, as well as the father, was called Ivan Ivanovich the lands adjacent to Rossosh, Olkhovatke, Mikhaylovka took over.


In 1767 in Rossosh there were 419 yards. According to the 5th audit, 1667 men and 1583 women lived in the settlement.

The first schools in Rossosh appeared even before canceling of the serfdom. By their 1862 already was four.

Prereform Rossosh had no industry, except for semi-handicraft brick and distilling zavodik, several mills and smithies.


At the end of November, 1871 the movement by rail Voronezh – Rostov-on-Don is open. In five kilometers from the settlement the Mikhaylovka station is built (nowadays the Rossosh station).


In 1874 the Rossosh and olkhovatsky ownerships of G.A. Chertkov passed to brothers with Plotitsin. And then the huge manor was purchased by honourable citizens, tradeswomen of the first guild Olga Alekseevna Ovsyannikova and Anna Alekseevna Dyachkova. At them the Rossosh manor turned into one of the best in the Voronezh province. Everything grown up on nine agricultural farms – beet, wheat, a rye, a millet – was processed at own enterprises. Agriculture was major activity of rossoshanets.

The Rossosh district at a boundary of XX in


In 1904 the Mikhaylovka station was renamed into Evstratovka.


Almost universal illiteracy of the population was a consequence of poverty. The local intellectuals, clergy tried to expand opportunities for training of youth. In August, 1910 in the settlement the initial school of V.M. Ulyanishcheva soon transformed to a private female gymnasium was open. In 1916 in Rossosh training in the state men's gymnasium began.


In the spring of 1918 the German troops intruded in the southern counties of the Voronezh province. The settlement Rossosh and the Evstratovka station appeared in a front-line band.


The second time Rossosh was captured in the summer of 1919 by Denikin's army, and freed on December 11 the same year.


Soon after the end of civil war in provision of Rossosh there were important changes. VTsIK of RSFSR determined on January 4, 1923 by the special resolution new administrative borders of counties of the Voronezh province. Alekseevsky and Korotoyaksky Counties were liquidated and the new Rossosh County is formed. With respect thereto Rossosh was transformed from the settlement to the city and the district center.


Remained the district city of Rossosh till spring of 1928. On March 22 the presidium of VTsIK adopted the resolution on the organization of the Central Chernozem Region in the territory of the being Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol and Tambov provinces. And now Rossosh is the center of one of 11 districts.

Since November 1 in the city the "bednoty Golos" newspaper began to appear. In the Rossosh district process of an Ukrainization began. Office-work in organizations, training at schools, the newspaper and all current information were translated into Ukrainian. But for fast transition to Ukrainian in the district there were neither means, nor specialists.

1926 - 1932

From 1926 to 1932 in the city the factory seven-year, school of country youth, agropedtekhnikum, medical school, ptitsetekhnikum and ptitseinstitut were open. In 1928 the district hospital is constructed, and construction of clinic is begun a year later.

The aspiration of the center to carry out in Is central – the Chernozem district continuous collectivization of country farms during 1929 - 1931 at once was caused by resistance of peasants. Holding a dispossession of kulaks tore off from the earth of the most experienced and enterprising owners. And still the collective-farm movement cannot be estimated unambiguously. A lot of talented participated in it, people devoted to case.


The district center the city remained within two years. In 1930 districts were abolished then Rossosh became the normal district center. It was necessary to refuse an Ukrainization three years later.

In 1930 in Rossosh construction of large poultry farm began. In two years it began to give to the country the first products. The brick-works were other considerable city building in the same time.

The city was lit with the 400 kw utility power plant. The water supply system was not yet.

From health facilities the city had hospital on 120 beds, at it delivery room, clinic, a tubdispanser, a venereal disease dispensary, children's consultation and out-patient clinic at the station Rossosh. Cultural organizations were provided by city theater on 460 places, movie theater and 4 film societies, 5 clubs, library, recreation park. In the city the district newspaper "Kommuny Zarya" was issued (so it began to be called since February 1, 1930).


In 1937 in the neighborhood of Rossosh the strong point on gardening of a research institute of I.V. Michurin is open. Afterwards the strong point was transformed to the Rossosh plodovo – berry experimental station.

In pre-war years the city began to equip with modern conveniences. In the summer of 1937 the first kilometers of a water supply system are laid, works on gardening of streets began. On the former market square broke the new square, and at October Square put the park.


From the first day of war the Voronezh region was announced on martial law. The first echelon with wounded came to the city for the fifth day of war. The enemy airplane dropped the first bombs on Rossosh in September, 1941, and on October 6 in 16 kilometers from the station the train with evacuated underwent cruel bombing.


In the morning on July 7, 1942 the German tanks rushed into the city. Six months and nine days managed in Rossosh invaders. At the beginning of September the 294th German infantry division occupying defense on the right coast of Don to the north by Nova Kalitvy was replaced by divisions of the Italian Alpine body which headquarters was placed in Rossosh.


On January 14 from the district of Kantemirovka there began approach in the Rossosh-Alekseyevka-Valuyki directions the 3rd tank army of P.S. Rybalko (the southern shock grouping of the Voronezh front in Ostrogozhsko – the Rossosh transaction). Sixteen tanks of the 106th armored brigade of the colonel I.E. Alekseev managed to perform on the night of January 15 impudent raid on backs of the opponent and to come early in the morning to the outskirts of Rossosh. Tankmen forced the Italian garrison to retire. Most of tankmen and the colonel I.E. Alekseev were killed death brave in action for the railway station and airfield. Finally the city of Rossosh was freed on January 16, 1943.

In post-war years Rossosh continued to remain the center of the agricultural area.

Rossosh is the city where studied, the poet A.T. Prasolov, the writer M.P. Shevchenko, members of the Union of artists of the USSR B.A. Goncharov and B.B. Ponomarenko, the school teacher worked and began to create – artist V. G. is a dulcimer player. The big role in formation of the last was played by the oldest Rossosh artist, the graduate of the All-Russian academy of Arts F.P. Basov.

In the early sixties Hugo's electrification – East railroad began. The movement of electric trains on section Rossosh – Dashing was open.


In 1974 the first products were turned out by the plant of press nodes. The same year in the spring in the neighborhood of Rossosh construction of big chemical plant of mineral fertilizers which began to turn out the first products in 1979 began. In the same time in the city construction of housing and objects of social purpose began rough rates.


From city architectural monuments it should be noted the printing house building, Alexander Nevsky's bell tower built in 1876 on the project of the Moscow architect Burenin.


Since 1988 foreign tourists, especially from Italy began to visit Rossosh actively. They were attracted here by memories of tragic days of last war during which the fascist government of Italy sent to Russia the soldiers to a certain death. Visits friendly relations of rossoshanets with veterans – alpiyets resulted and were strengthened. The national association of the Alpine shooters at the expense of the veterans non-paid constructed in Rossosh kindergarten in memory of the Russian and Italian guys who laid down the life on fields of battles.