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Information Technology Department of Voronezh Region





As of 2010 Management of information technologies of the Voronezh region was the executive body of the state vlastivoronezhsky area providing in the territory of the Voronezh region development and realization of public policy in information technology. The main tasks of the Office are to ensure a qualitatively new level of the state management process through the introduction and wide use of modern information and communication and innovative technologies and normative legal, technical, technological and information-analytical support for the development and use of IT in the activities of state authorities of the region.

The Information Technology Department of the Voronezh Region was engaged in the implementation of measures to create electronic government and the development of the information society in the Voronezh Region. The Office carried out work on creating a multimedia complex of the meeting room of the Government of the Voronezh Region, created the information system "Portal of the Voronezh Region on the Internet" in Russian and English, the Portal of State and Municipal Services, an interactive guide - on-line project for children, etc.

As of July 2010, the Office was implementing a project to hold Internet conferences with all regions of Russia and countries of the world on Point-Multipoint technology and the creation of a videoconferencing system for state authorities and local self-government of the Voronezh region.