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Amazon in Russia






Moscow court fined Amazon

The court found Amazon guilty under Part 2 of Art. 13.41 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (failure by the owner of information if the obligation to remove such information is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation) and sentenced him to a fine of 2 million rubles, the court decision says. This was announced on February 5, 2024 by the press service of the State Duma deputy RFAnton Nemkin.

The reason for initiating an administrative offense case was the refusal to delete information about the methods of committing suicide, as well as the refusal to remove information about the methods of making and using drugs. Recall that for refusing to remove the company's prohibited information, a fine of 1 million rubles was imposed back in October 2023. As a result of the absence of any actions to remove the information, the amount of the fine increased to 2 million rubles.

Foreign companies systematically do not comply with the requirements of Russian law. At the same time, there are no rational explanations for non-compliance with the requirements, one gets the feeling that companies deliberately demonstrate their indifferent attitude towards user rights and the legislation of other countries as a whole, the deputy said.

Frivolous attitude towards Russian legislation will lead to an increase in both the number of cases initiated and the amount of fines. As a result, the question of blocking a particular resource may arise. For some reason, the localization personal data of Russians is also becoming no less problematic for foreign companies. Let me remind you that not so long ago the corporation received a fine of 15 million rubles for repeated refusal to localize the American. Google The same applies to violation of the provisions of antimonopoly legislation - foreign organizations often violate them. So, Apple she received a fine of almost 1.2 billion rubles for imposing Russian application developers operating system iOS a company for a payment instrument, - recalled Anton Nemkin.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the current legislation is an indicator that some foreign companies do not intend to remain on the Russian market, the deputy said.

The court appointed Amazon a negotiable fine of 200 million rubles for the lack of a branch in Russia

On January 17, 2024, the Magistrate of the Tagansky District of Moscow ruled against Amazon to impose a fine for the company's work in Russia without opening a representative office.

Amazon was found guilty of failure to fulfill the obligations provided for by the law on the activities of foreign persons on the Internet on the territory of the Russian Federation (part 2 of article 13.49 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). And now she will have to pay a fine of more than 200 million rubles. The protocol was drawn up due to the absence of a company branch in Russia, the organization ignored the warnings of Roskomnadzor.

Amazon was fined for the company's work in Russia without opening a representative office

According to the law, if a foreign company operates in Russia without opening a branch or representative office, it faces a fine in the amount of 1/15 to 1/10 of the total amount of revenue for a calendar year.

On January 15, 2024, it became known that a lawsuit was registered against Amazon Web Services (AWS) and 10 other foreign companies providing hosting and domain names in the Russian Federation in December 2023 at the 422nd judicial precinct of the Tagansky district of Moscow, demanding that they be subject to negotiable fines for work in Russia without representation. In addition to Amazon, protocols will be reviewed at Bluehost, Kamatera Inc., Hetzner Online Gmb., Ionos Inc., Network Solution, Digitalocean Llc., Dreamhost Llc.,, Wpengine Inc. and

As reminded, Amazon TASS has repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility in Russia for refusing to remove prohibited information. Thus, the company was fined 3 million rubles for refusing to remove reposts from one of the associated social networks from the Hydra website banned in the Russian Federation, which contains information on the manufacture and sale of drugs. Amazon was also fined 1 million rubles for publishing suicide propaganda materials on its resources.[1]

2023: Roskomnadzor included Amazon in the list of foreign companies subject to "landing." She needs to open an office in the Russian Federation

Roskomnadzor expanded the list of foreign companies subject to "landing," adding Amazon Web Services, Inc. Read more here.


A court in Moscow arrested the property of Twitch and Amazon due to blocking the profile of a Russian e-sportsman

On November 16, 2022 Arbitration Court Moscow , he arrested the property of an American company Amazon and its streaming platform for Twitch 3 billion rubles as an interim measure in a lawsuit to block the account of e-sportsman Kirill Malofeev, the son of the founder of the holding "."Tsargrad Konstantin Malofeev

Kirill Malofeev demands to restore the account and the possibility of monetizing it. If Twitch and Amazon refuse to comply with the court's demand, Kirill Malofeev asks to recover a penalty from the companies.

The Arbitration Court in Moscow arrested the property of Twitch and Amazon due to blocking the profile of the Russian e-sportsman

Malofeev accused the companies of arbitrary violation of contractual obligations and discrimination against Russian e-sportsmen and their audience. According to the streamer, the court proceedings will become a precedent for protecting the interests of participants in the Russian gaming industry and "in general all Russian athletes."

Twitch and Amazon feel above Russian law, above sovereign. states They arbitrarily violate contractual obligations. In fact, such actions are censorship and discriminate against Russian e-sportsmen and their audience, Forbes "said Kirill Malofeev.

In July 2022 Russia , the head of the center filed a complaint against Twitch for abuse of a dominant position with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, ROCIT Rustam Sagdatulin demanding that the platform be obliged not only to revise the licensing agreements, but also to issue an order to change the decision to block Russian accounts. Sagdatulin believes that the rules are drawn up in such a way that they provide the service with maximum opportunities for arbitrary blocking. According to him, in February and March 2022, the Twitch platform limited the withdrawal of funds to a number of Russian accounts under the pretext of compliance with economic sanctions by USA some other countries, which introduced a number of difficulties in monetizing content.[2]

Millions fine for refusing to remove information about drug sales locations

On October 18, 2022, a court in Moscow fined Amazon a total of 4 million rubles. The company was found guilty of failure to disclose information prohibited for distribution in Russia (part 2 of article 13.41 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) and will pay 1 million rubles for this.

In addition, the Internet retailer will have to pay 3 million rubles for failure to delete information about the methods of manufacture and use of narcotic drugs (part 4 of article 13.41 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Amazon in Russia fined millions

According to TASS, citing the case file, the reason was the company's refusal to remove photos from one of the related social networks depicting methods of committing suicide, as well as reposts from the Hydra website banned in Russia, which contains information on the manufacture and sale of narcotic substances.

It is clarified that Roskomnadzor appealed to Amazon at least 19 times with a request to remove the prohibited information, but this was not done. It is also indicated that the company was first brought to justice in Russia for illegal content.

Amazon is being brought to administrative responsibility in Russia directly for the first time. However, the Twitch Interactive gaming streaming service, which is its subsidiary, has repeatedly come to the attention of domestic law enforcement agencies for various offenses, including refusing to localize personal data of Russian users and disseminating inaccurate information.

In early October 2022, it became known that Amazon faces up to 12 million rubles in fines for refusing to remove information prohibited in Russia. This was reported in the section of the magistrate No. 422 of Moscow, where the relevant protocols were received. As a result, the company received an administrative fine, which turned out to be three times less than the maximum.[3]


Termination of sending goods to Russia against the background of the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

On March 9, 2022, it became known that the American company Amazon had stopped sending goods to Russia. In addition, the company decided to close access to the Prime Video service for residents of Russia. These measures were taken against the background of Western sanctions imposed in connection with the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.[1]


Fine for violation of sanctions against Crimea

On July 8, 2020, the US Treasury Department fined Amazon $134.5 thousand for violating sanctions related to Crimea, Iran and Syria. In particular, we are talking about the supply of goods and the provision of services to persons against whom sanctions are provided.

In addition, the company, according to the Ministry of Finance, directly served persons who appeared on the American black list or worked for diplomatic missions of countries in respect of which restrictions were imposed. 

Amazon will pay $135 thousand for violating US sanctions on Crimea

Failures and direct mistakes on the part of Amazon led to the violation of sanctions, the ministry said. So, in Crimea, it was possible to use the company's website, deliberately allowing an entry in the word "Crimea." Another 362 transactions with Crimea Amazon was supposed to disclose to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), but did not disclose (the transactions themselves were allowed because they were conducted under the General License).

And in order to bypass anti-Iranian sanctions, the retailer sent goods to Iranian diplomatic missions in other countries. Amazon's services were also used by individuals who violated both international and regional laws, in particular the laws of Congo and Zimbabwe.

The US Treasury reported that Amazon pleaded guilty and agreed to pay the imposed fine. Taking into account the fact that Amazon voluntarily notified the regulator of a number of violations committed, OFAC did not collect the maximum fine provided for by the current legislation from it, but decided to limit itself to half the amount of transactions concluded with violations of sanctions programs.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance added: although the company was unable to promptly notify the authorities about such transactions, which violated its obligations, this was not deliberate.Decision of the US Treasury

Main article: IT blockade of Crimea

Full entry into the Russian cloud market

On July 6, 2020, Group announced cooperation with Amazon Web Services (AWS), within which the American company will be able to fully enter the Russian cloud services market. Read more here.

2015: Amazon stops working in Crimea

The American company Amazon stops serving customers using Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services, TASS reports, citing a notification received by customers. It states that by February 13, 2015, users must delete their[2].

"Your AWS account has a registered billing address in the Crimea region. Due to the economic sanctions recently announced by the United States government, which prohibit the export or supply of services to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, you must remove all resources from AWS and close your AWS account at 12 am Pacific time, Friday, February 13, 2015 "the company said in a letter quoted by the agency

Amazon warned customers that if they did not comply with this instruction, the accounts would be forcibly removed.