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Stratos Genomics






Stratos Genomics is the American company which is engaged in development of the unimolecular sequenator on the basis of a nanotime.


2020: Roche purchased Stratos Genomics

In the middle of May, 2020 the Swiss pharmaceutical Roche group purchased Stratos Genomics company that and further to develop technologies of sequencing on the basis of DNA for diagnostic use.

This acquisition gives to Roche access to a unique technique of Stratos Genomics, sequencing by expansion, Sequencing by Expansion (SBX), said in the statement of the Swiss company Roche. - The developed nanoporny sequencer of Roche will use new approach which integrates electronic and biological components for assessment of the sequence of DNA for the purpose of fast, adaptable and cost-efficient kliniko-diagnostic testing.

Roche purchased the developer of technology of sequencing of a genome

Instead of directly sequencing native molecule DNA, Stratos Genomics developed new process. They turn DNA into an ekspansirovanny molecule, or "xpandomer", by means of the process similar to replication through a polymerase. However instead of including one basis for once in again formed chain, Stratos uses the modified polymerase which is capable to include lines from four additional bases at the same time. As a result read process is facilitated thanks to a high ratio signal/noise.

Roche considers that the genomic data obtained as a result of sequencing of DNA of the person will play a crucial role in the personalized health care and clinical diagnostics of the future. It is expected that application of SBX when the technique is completely developed, will provide to medical community the available and fast tool for a set of target clinical applications and also for sequencing of all ekzom and the whole genome.

It is known that Stratos Genomics will continue the activity in Seattle, the State of Washington, the USA. Financial agreement details are not disclosed.[1]
