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View Inc company. creates  the programmable electrochromic View Dynamic Glass windows capable to independently analyze and regulate lighting. Special dynamic glasses reflect flares and reduce penetration of sunlight and heat into the premises. Such windows which help to reduce costs on air conditioning are applied at the airports, hospitals and office buildings. Management happens by means of the chips which are built in glasses and mobile application.


2018: Attraction of $1.1 billion investments from Softbank

In November, 2018 the telecommunication giant Softbank announced an investment of $1.1 billion in View company through the investment fund Vision Fund. The raised funds are allocated for doubling of production volume of "smart" windows at the plant in the State of Mississippi (USA) and also on further development of technology for use in even more futuristic projects. In particular, use of glasses as a board for drawing and watching video is planned. Also work on function which will define and notify on the broken section of a glass panel is conducted.

Still windows was the disconnected from network and static objects. We the first digitized them — the CEO of RJSC View Rao Mulpuri said.

In a round of financing of View who became known in November, 2018 Softbank acted as the only investor. When the company was estimated, it is not specified.

Softbank invested $1.1 billion in the developer of the "smart" windows managed by the smartphone

The View windows approximately stand approximately four times more normal, but, according to developers, they help to reduce energy consumption by 20% indoors and to save on purchase of blinds, curtains, etc. Besides, View gives results of the research which showed that personnel and patients in hospitals begin to feel better if in the building such windows are set.[1]
